# Note: python-ldap from requirements breaks due to readthedocs.io not having the correct header files # The `make up-reqs` will update all requirement text files, and forcibly remove python-ldap # from requirements-docs.txt # However, dependabot doesn't use `make up-reqs`, so we have to replicate the necessary dependencies here # Without including these dependencies, the docs are unable to include generated autodocs acme arrow boto3 botocore CloudFlare cryptography dnspython3 Flask Flask-Bcrypt Flask-Cors Flask-Mail Flask-Migrate Flask-Principal Flask-RESTful Flask-Script Flask-SQLAlchemy flask_replicated gunicorn inflection josepy logmatic-python marshmallow-sqlalchemy marshmallow<2.20.5 #schema duplicate issues https://github.com/marshmallow-code/marshmallow-sqlalchemy/issues/121 pem pyjwt pyOpenSSL raven[flask] retrying SQLAlchemy-Utils xmltodict # docs specific sphinx sphinxcontrib-httpdomain sphinx-rtd-theme