""" .. module: lemur.plugins.lemur_openssh.plugin :platform: Unix :copyright: (c) 2020 by Emmanuel Garette, see AUTHORS for more :license: Apache, see LICENSE for more details. .. moduleauthor:: Emmanuel Garette """ import subprocess from os import unlink from flask import current_app from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from datetime import datetime from lemur.utils import mktempfile from lemur.plugins import lemur_openssh as openssh from lemur.common.utils import parse_private_key, parse_certificate from lemur.plugins.lemur_cryptography.plugin import CryptographyIssuerPlugin from lemur.certificates.service import get_by_root_authority def run_process(command): """ Runs a given command with pOpen and wraps some error handling around it. :param command: :return: """ p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) current_app.logger.debug(" ".join(command)) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: current_app.logger.error(stderr.decode()) raise Exception(stderr.decode()) def split_cert(body): """ To display certificate in Lemur website, we have to split certificate in several line :param body: certificate :retur: splitted certificate """ length = 65 return '\n'.join([body[i:i + length] for i in range(0, len(body), length)]) def sign_certificate(common_name, public_key, authority_private_key, user, extensions, not_before, not_after): with mktempfile() as issuer_tmp: cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-s', issuer_tmp] with open(issuer_tmp, 'w') as i: i.writelines(authority_private_key) if 'extendedKeyUsage' in extensions and extensions['extendedKeyUsage'].get('useClientAuthentication'): cmd.extend(['-I', user['username'] + ' user key', '-n', user['username']]) else: domains = {common_name} for name in extensions['subAltNames']['names']: if name['nameType'] == 'DNSName': domains.add(name['value']) cmd.extend(['-I', common_name + ' host key', '-n', ','.join(domains), '-h']) # something like 20201024 ssh_not_before = datetime.fromisoformat(not_before).strftime("%Y%m%d") ssh_not_after = datetime.fromisoformat(not_after).strftime("%Y%m%d") cmd.extend(['-V', ssh_not_before + ':' + ssh_not_after]) with mktempfile() as cert_tmp: with open(cert_tmp, 'w') as f: f.write(public_key) cmd.append(cert_tmp) run_process(cmd) pub = cert_tmp + '-cert.pub' with open(pub, 'r') as p: body = split_cert(p.read()) unlink(pub) return body class OpenSSHIssuerPlugin(CryptographyIssuerPlugin): """This issuer plugins is base in Cryptography plugin Certificates and authorities are x509 certificates created by Cryptography plugin. Those certificates are converted to OpenSSH format when people get them. """ title = "OpenSSH" slug = "openssh-issuer" description = "Enables the creation and signing OpenSSH keys" version = openssh.VERSION author = "Emmanuel Garette" author_url = "http://gnunux.info" def create_authority(self, options): # OpenSSH do not support parent's authoriy if options.get("parent"): raise Exception('cannot create authority with a parent for OpenSSH plugin') # create a x509 certificat cert_pem, private_key, chain_cert_pem, roles = super().create_authority(options) return cert_pem, private_key, chain_cert_pem, roles def wrap_certificate(self, cert): # get public_key in OpenSSH format public_key = parse_certificate(cert['body']).public_key().public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH, format=serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH, ).decode() public_key += ' ' + cert['user']['email'] # sign it with authority private key if 'root_authority' in cert: root_authority = cert['root_authority'] else: root_authority = get_by_root_authority(cert['authority']['id']) authority_private_key = root_authority.private_key cert['body'] = sign_certificate( cert['common_name'], public_key, authority_private_key, cert['user'], cert['extensions'], cert['not_before'], cert['not_after'] ) # convert chain in OpenSSH format if cert['chain']: chain_cert = {'body': cert['chain'], 'cn': root_authority.cn} self.wrap_auth_certificate(chain_cert) cert['chain'] = chain_cert['body'] # OpenSSH do not support csr cert['csr'] = None @staticmethod def wrap_auth_certificate(auth_cert): # convert chain in OpenSSH format chain_key = parse_certificate(auth_cert['body']).public_key().public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH, format=serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH, ).decode() chain_key += ' root@' + auth_cert['cn'] auth_cert['body'] = split_cert(chain_key) @staticmethod def wrap_private_key(cert): # convert private_key in OpenSSH format cert.private_key = parse_private_key(cert.private_key).private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.OpenSSH, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption(), )