# # This file is autogenerated by pip-compile # To update, run: # # pip-compile --no-index --output-file=requirements-tests.txt requirements-tests.in # appdirs==1.4.3 # via black attrs==19.3.0 # via # jsonschema # pytest aws-sam-translator==1.22.0 # via cfn-lint aws-xray-sdk==2.5.0 # via moto bandit==1.7.0 # via -r requirements-tests.in black==20.8b1 # via -r requirements-tests.in boto3==1.16.63 # via # aws-sam-translator # moto boto==2.49.0 # via moto botocore==1.19.63 # via # aws-xray-sdk # boto3 # moto # s3transfer certifi==2020.12.5 # via requests cffi==1.14.0 # via cryptography cfn-lint==0.29.5 # via moto chardet==3.0.4 # via requests click==7.1.2 # via # black # flask coverage==5.4 # via -r requirements-tests.in cryptography==3.3.1 # via # moto # python-jose # sshpubkeys decorator==4.4.2 # via networkx docker==4.2.0 # via moto ecdsa==0.14.1 # via # moto # python-jose # sshpubkeys factory-boy==3.2.0 # via -r requirements-tests.in faker==6.0.0 # via # -r requirements-tests.in # factory-boy fakeredis==1.4.5 # via -r requirements-tests.in flask==1.1.2 # via pytest-flask freezegun==1.1.0 # via -r requirements-tests.in future==0.18.2 # via aws-xray-sdk gitdb==4.0.4 # via gitpython gitpython==3.1.1 # via bandit idna==2.9 # via # moto # requests importlib-metadata==1.6.0 # via jsonpickle iniconfig==1.0.1 # via pytest itsdangerous==1.1.0 # via flask jinja2==2.11.3 # via # flask # moto jmespath==0.9.5 # via # boto3 # botocore jsondiff==1.1.2 # via moto jsonpatch==1.25 # via cfn-lint jsonpickle==1.4 # via aws-xray-sdk jsonpointer==2.0 # via jsonpatch jsonschema==3.2.0 # via # aws-sam-translator # cfn-lint markupsafe==1.1.1 # via # jinja2 # moto mock==4.0.2 # via moto more-itertools==8.2.0 # via moto moto==1.3.16 # via -r requirements-tests.in mypy-extensions==0.4.3 # via black networkx==2.4 # via cfn-lint nose==1.3.7 # via -r requirements-tests.in packaging==20.3 # via pytest pathspec==0.8.0 # via black pbr==5.4.5 # via stevedore pluggy==0.13.1 # via pytest py==1.9.0 # via pytest pyasn1==0.4.8 # via # python-jose # rsa pycparser==2.20 # via cffi pyflakes==2.2.0 # via -r requirements-tests.in pyparsing==2.4.7 # via packaging pyrsistent==0.16.0 # via jsonschema pytest-flask==1.1.0 # via -r requirements-tests.in pytest-mock==3.5.1 # via -r requirements-tests.in pytest==6.2.2 # via # -r requirements-tests.in # pytest-flask # pytest-mock python-dateutil==2.8.1 # via # botocore # faker # freezegun # moto python-jose[cryptography]==3.1.0 # via moto pytz==2019.3 # via moto pyyaml==5.4.1 # via # -r requirements-tests.in # bandit # cfn-lint # moto redis==3.5.3 # via fakeredis regex==2020.4.4 # via black requests-mock==1.8.0 # via -r requirements-tests.in requests==2.25.1 # via # docker # moto # requests-mock # responses responses==0.10.12 # via moto rsa==4.0 # via python-jose s3transfer==0.3.3 # via boto3 six==1.15.0 # via # aws-sam-translator # bandit # cfn-lint # cryptography # docker # ecdsa # fakeredis # jsonschema # moto # packaging # pyrsistent # python-dateutil # python-jose # requests-mock # responses # stevedore # websocket-client smmap==3.0.2 # via gitdb sortedcontainers==2.1.0 # via fakeredis sshpubkeys==3.1.0 # via moto stevedore==1.32.0 # via bandit text-unidecode==1.3 # via faker toml==0.10.1 # via # black # pytest typed-ast==1.4.1 # via black typing-extensions== # via black urllib3==1.25.8 # via # botocore # requests websocket-client==0.57.0 # via docker werkzeug==1.0.1 # via # flask # moto # pytest-flask wrapt==1.12.1 # via aws-xray-sdk xmltodict==0.12.0 # via moto zipp==3.1.0 # via # importlib-metadata # moto # The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file: # setuptools