""" .. module: lemur.common.managers :platform: Unix :copyright: (c) 2018 by Netflix Inc., see AUTHORS for more :license: Apache, see LICENSE for more details. .. moduleauthor:: Kevin Glisson """ from flask import current_app from lemur.exceptions import InvalidConfiguration # inspired by https://github.com/getsentry/sentry class InstanceManager(object): def __init__(self, class_list=None, instances=True): if class_list is None: class_list = [] self.instances = instances self.update(class_list) def get_class_list(self): return self.class_list def add(self, class_path): self.cache = None if class_path not in self.class_list: self.class_list.append(class_path) def remove(self, class_path): self.cache = None self.class_list.remove(class_path) def update(self, class_list): """ Updates the class list and wipes the cache. """ self.cache = None self.class_list = class_list def all(self): """ Returns a list of cached instances. """ class_list = list(self.get_class_list()) if not class_list: self.cache = [] return [] if self.cache is not None: return self.cache results = [] for cls_path in class_list: module_name, class_name = cls_path.rsplit(".", 1) try: module = __import__(module_name, {}, {}, class_name) cls = getattr(module, class_name) if self.instances: results.append(cls()) else: results.append(cls) except InvalidConfiguration as e: current_app.logger.warning( "Plugin '{0}' may not work correctly. {1}".format(class_name, e) ) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception( "Unable to import {0}. Reason: {1}".format(cls_path, e) ) continue self.cache = results return results