/** * Created by kglisson on 1/19/15. */ 'use strict'; var gulp = require('gulp'); require('require-dir')('./gulp'); gulp.task('default', function () { var c = { reset: '\x1b[0m', bold: '\x1b[1m', green: '\x1b[32m', magenta: '\x1b[35m' }; console.log(''); console.log(c.green + c.bold + 'Main Commands' + c.reset); console.log(c.green + '-------------------------------------------' + c.reset); console.log(c.green + 'clean' + c.reset + ' - delete the .tmp/ and dist/ folders.'); console.log(c.green + 'build' + c.reset + ' - execute the release build and output into the dist/ folder.'); console.log(c.green + 'serve:dist' + c.reset + ' - execute the release build and output into the dist/ folder then run a local server for the files.'); console.log(c.green + 'serve' + c.reset + ' - run JShint and LESS compiler to produce .tmp/ folder. Then serve up the app on a local server.'); console.log(''); console.log(c.green + c.bold + 'All Commands' + c.reset); console.log(c.green + '-------------------------------------------' + c.reset); console.log(Object.keys(gulp.tasks).sort().join('\n')); console.log(''); });