#!/bin/bash set -e # install unrelease python modules pip3 install alembic-autogenerate-enums==0.0.2 asyncpool==1.0 certsrv==2.1.1 cryptography==3.1.1 dnspython3==1.15.0 dyn==1.8.1 flask-replicated==1.4 javaobj-py3== jsonlines==1.2.0 logmatic-python==0.1.7 marshmallow==2.20.4 pycryptodomex==3.9.7 pyjks==20.0.0 raven[flask]==6.10.0 twofish==0.3.0 pyjwt==2.1.0 mkdir -p /var/log/lemur/ chown lemur: /var/log/lemur/ # EOLE-DB change file right to 400 chmod 640 /etc/lemur/* chgrp lemur /etc/lemur/* systemctl start postgresql.service psql -Upostgres -c "grant all on all tables in schema public to lemur" lemur psql -Upostgres -c "grant all on all sequences in schema public to lemur" lemur psql -Upostgres -c "grant all on all functions in schema public to lemur" lemur su - lemur -s /bin/bash -c "lemur --config=/etc/lemur/lemur.conf.py init --password $(CreoleGet lemur_admin_password)" systemctl stop postgresql.service exit 0