from paramiko.config import SSHConfig from os.path import expandvars, isdir, isfile, join from os import open as os_open, write, close, truncate, makedirs, O_WRONLY, O_CREAT def setting_pki_openssh_client(dico, config): config_dir = expandvars('$HOME/.ssh') config_file = join(config_dir, 'config') identityfile = join(expandvars('$HOME/.ssh'), f'risotto_{dico["organization_name"]}') known_hosts = expandvars('$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts') hostname = f'*.{dico["organization_name"]}' new_data = {'identityfile': [identityfile], 'stricthostkeychecking': 'yes', 'hostname': hostname, 'user': dico['cn'], } ssh = SSHConfig() if isfile(config_file): ssh.parse(open(config_file)) if hostname not in ssh.get_hostnames(): print(f'\n\nIl faudrait ajouter dans le fichier "{config_file}" :') print(f'Host {hostname}') for key, value in new_data.items(): if key == 'hostname': continue print(f' {key} {value}') print('\n') else: current_data = dict(ssh.lookup(hostname)) if current_data != new_data: current = set(current_data) new = set(new_data) add = new - current modify = [key for key in new if key in current and current_data[key] != new_data[key]] if add or modify: print(f'\n\nModifications suggérées de la section "Host {hostname}" du fichier "{config_file}" :') for line in add: value = new_data[line] if isinstance(value, list): value = ','.join(value) print(f' - ajouter "{line} {value}"') for line in modify: value = new_data[line] if isinstance(value, list): value = ','.join(value) print(f' - modifier "{line} {current_data[line]}" en "{line} {value}"') print('\n') else: if not isdir(config_dir): makedirs(config_dir, 0o700) fh = os_open(config_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0o400) truncate(fh, 0) write(fh, f'Host {hostname}\n'.encode()) for key, value in new_data.items(): if key == 'hostname': continue if isinstance(value, list): value = ','.join(value) write(fh, f' {key} {value}\n'.encode()) close(fh) fh = os_open(f'{identityfile}.pub', O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0o400) truncate(fh, 0) write(fh, dico['certificate'].encode()) write(fh, b'\n') close(fh) if 'private_key' in dico: fh = os_open(identityfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0o400) truncate(fh, 0) write(fh, dico['private_key'].encode()) write(fh, b'\n') close(fh, ) content = [f'@cert-authority * {dico["chain"]}'] if isfile(known_hosts): with open(known_hosts) as fh: old = for line in old.split('\n'): if line.startswith(f'@cert-authority {hostname} '): continue content.append(line) fh = os_open(known_hosts, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0o400) truncate(fh, 0) for line in content: write(fh, f'{line}\n'.encode()) close(fh) print('Certificat mise à jour') def get(message): if message == 'v1.setting.pki.openssh.client.get': return setting_pki_openssh_client