
# Quick and dirty script to add disk space
# It creates a new PV (with the additionnal disk),
# a new VG and a new LV with 100% disk space
# The names and devices are provided with env variables:
#   - PV_DEVICE : The /dev/xxx device
#   - VG_NAME: The new vg name
#   - LV_NAME: Then new lv name
#   - LV_MTP: The mount point for the FS created on the LV
#   - LV_FS: The fstype of the new FS
if [ -e ${PV_DEVICE} ]; then
   pvcreate ${PV_DEVICE}
   vgcreate ${VG_NAME} ${PV_DEVICE}
   lvcreate -Ay -l 100%FREE -n ${LV_NAME} ${VG_NAME}
   mkfs.${LV_FS} /dev/${VG_NAME}/${LV_NAME}
   if [ ! -d ${LV_MTP} ]; then
      mkdir -p ${LV_MTP}
   mount /dev/${VG_NAME}/${LV_NAME} ${LV_MTP}
   echo "/dev/${VG_NAME}/${LV_NAME}	${LV_MTP}	${LV_FS}	rw,relatime 0 1" >> /etc/fstab
    echo "${PV_DEVICE} is missing"
    exit 3