locals { // Definition of the Kubernetes service (templater compatible) ServiceKubernetes = { ConfigFiles = [ { destination = "/etc/cluster.yaml" source = "cluster.yaml.pktpl.hcl" mode = "600" owner = "root" group = "root" }, { destination = "/etc/rc.conf" source = "rc.conf.pktpl.hcl" mode = "600" owner = "root" group = "root" } ] Repositories = {} Packages = { docker = { name = "docker" action = "install" } docker-compose = { name = "docker-compose" action = "install" } gpg = { name = "gpg" action = "install" } kubeadm = { name = "kind" action = "install" } vmtools = { name = "open-vm-tools" action = "install" } vmtools-rc = { name = "open-vm-tools-openrc" action = "install" } } Vars = { RootlessDocker = "true" Cluster = { Name = "nuo" IngressReady = true PodSubNet = "" ServieSubNet = "" Version = "1.27.2" Nodes = [ { Role = "control-plane" Ports = [ { containerPort = 31000 hostPort = 31000 listenAddress = "" }, { containerPort = 80 hostPort = 8080 listenAddress = "" }, { containerPort = 443 hostPort = 8443 listenAddress = "" } ] }, { Role = "worker" }, { Role = "worker" }, { Role = "worker" } ] } } Users = { dock = { username = "dock" group = "dock" home = "/srv/dock" shell = "/bin/nologin" } } Daemons = { vm-tools = { name = "open-vm-tools" type = "auto" enabled = true } docker = { name = "docker" type = "auto" enabled = true } cgroups = { name = "cgroups" type = "auto" enabled = true } local = { name = "local" type = "auto" enabled = true } ntpd = { name = "ntpd" type = "auto" enabled = true } local = { name = "local" type = "auto" enabled = true } } } // Definition of the Kubernetes full configuration (with all the services) Kind = { Name = "kind" Globals = local.Globals Services = { Kubernetes = local.ServiceKubernetes } } }