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synced 2025-03-15 13:21:11 +01:00
* Switch Ingress from regional network load balancers to global HTTP/TCP Proxy load balancing * Reduce cost by ~$19/month per cluster. Google bills the first 5 global and regional forwarding rules separately. Typhoon clusters now use 3 global and 0 regional forwarding rules. * Worker pools no longer include an extraneous load balancer. Remove worker module's `ingress_static_ip` output. * Add `ingress_static_ipv4` output variable * Add `worker_instance_group` output to allow custom global load balancing * Deprecate `controllers_ipv4_public` module output * Deprecate `ingress_static_ip` module output. Use `ingress_static_ipv4`
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# Regional managed instance group of workers
resource "google_compute_region_instance_group_manager" "workers" {
name = "${var.name}-worker-group"
description = "Compute instance group of ${var.name} workers"
# instance name prefix for instances in the group
base_instance_name = "${var.name}-worker"
instance_template = "${google_compute_instance_template.worker.self_link}"
region = "${var.region}"
target_size = "${var.count}"
named_port {
name = "http"
port = "80"
named_port {
name = "https"
port = "443"
# Worker instance template
resource "google_compute_instance_template" "worker" {
name_prefix = "${var.name}-worker-"
description = "Worker Instance template"
machine_type = "${var.machine_type}"
metadata {
user-data = "${data.ct_config.worker_ign.rendered}"
scheduling {
automatic_restart = "${var.preemptible ? false : true}"
preemptible = "${var.preemptible}"
disk {
auto_delete = true
boot = true
source_image = "${var.os_image}"
disk_size_gb = "${var.disk_size}"
network_interface {
network = "${var.network}"
# Ephemeral external IP
access_config = {}
can_ip_forward = true
tags = ["worker", "${var.cluster_name}-worker", "${var.name}-worker"]
guest_accelerator {
count = "${var.accelerator_count}"
type = "${var.accelerator_type}"
lifecycle {
# To update an Instance Template, Terraform should replace the existing resource
create_before_destroy = true
# Worker Container Linux Config
data "template_file" "worker_config" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/cl/worker.yaml.tmpl")}"
vars = {
kubeconfig = "${indent(10, var.kubeconfig)}"
ssh_authorized_key = "${var.ssh_authorized_key}"
k8s_dns_service_ip = "${cidrhost(var.service_cidr, 10)}"
cluster_domain_suffix = "${var.cluster_domain_suffix}"
data "ct_config" "worker_ign" {
content = "${data.template_file.worker_config.rendered}"
pretty_print = false
snippets = ["${var.clc_snippets}"]