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synced 2025-01-27 05:28:28 +01:00
* Introduce the ability to support Container Linux Config "snippets" for controllers and workers on cloud platforms. This allows end-users to customize hosts by providing Container Linux configs that are additively merged into the base configs defined by Typhoon. Config snippets are validated, merged, and show any errors during `terraform plan` * Example uses include adding systemd units, network configs, mounts, files, raid arrays, or other disk provisioning features provided by Container Linux Configs (using Ignition low-level) * Requires terraform-provider-ct v0.2.1 plugin
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# Discrete DNS records for each controller's private IPv4 for etcd usage
resource "google_dns_record_set" "etcds" {
count = "${var.count}"
# DNS Zone name where record should be created
managed_zone = "${var.dns_zone_name}"
# DNS record
name = "${format("%s-etcd%d.%s.", var.cluster_name, count.index, var.dns_zone)}"
type = "A"
ttl = 300
# private IPv4 address for etcd
rrdatas = ["${element(google_compute_instance.controllers.*.network_interface.0.address, count.index)}"]
# Zones in the region
data "google_compute_zones" "all" {
region = "${var.region}"
# Controller instances
resource "google_compute_instance" "controllers" {
count = "${var.count}"
name = "${var.cluster_name}-controller-${count.index}"
zone = "${element(data.google_compute_zones.all.names, count.index)}"
machine_type = "${var.machine_type}"
metadata {
user-data = "${element(data.ct_config.controller_ign.*.rendered, count.index)}"
boot_disk {
auto_delete = true
initialize_params {
image = "${var.os_image}"
size = "${var.disk_size}"
network_interface {
network = "${var.network}"
# Ephemeral external IP
access_config = {}
can_ip_forward = true
tags = ["${var.cluster_name}-controller"]
# Controller Container Linux Config
data "template_file" "controller_config" {
count = "${var.count}"
template = "${file("${path.module}/cl/controller.yaml.tmpl")}"
vars = {
# Cannot use cyclic dependencies on controllers or their DNS records
etcd_name = "etcd${count.index}"
etcd_domain = "${var.cluster_name}-etcd${count.index}.${var.dns_zone}"
# etcd0=https://cluster-etcd0.example.com,etcd1=https://cluster-etcd1.example.com,...
etcd_initial_cluster = "${join(",", formatlist("%s=https://%s:2380", null_resource.repeat.*.triggers.name, null_resource.repeat.*.triggers.domain))}"
k8s_dns_service_ip = "${cidrhost(var.service_cidr, 10)}"
cluster_domain_suffix = "${var.cluster_domain_suffix}"
ssh_authorized_key = "${var.ssh_authorized_key}"
kubeconfig = "${indent(10, var.kubeconfig)}"
# Horrible hack to generate a Terraform list of a desired length without dependencies.
# Ideal ${repeat("etcd", 3) -> ["etcd", "etcd", "etcd"]}
resource null_resource "repeat" {
count = "${var.count}"
triggers {
name = "etcd${count.index}"
domain = "${var.cluster_name}-etcd${count.index}.${var.dns_zone}"
data "ct_config" "controller_ign" {
count = "${var.count}"
content = "${element(data.template_file.controller_config.*.rendered, count.index)}"
pretty_print = false
snippets = ["${var.clc_snippets}"]