Dalton Hubble 0c3557e68e Allow Flatcar Linux os_channel on bare-metal
* Choose the Container Linux derivative Flatcar Linux on
bare-metal by setting os_channel to flatcar-stable, flatcar-beta
or flatcar-alpha
* As with Container Linux from Red Hat, the version (os_version)
must correspond to the channel being used
* Thank you to @dongsupark from Kinvolk
2018-05-17 20:09:36 -07:00

34 lines
1.3 KiB

resource "matchbox_group" "install" {
count = "${length(var.controller_names) + length(var.worker_names)}"
name = "${format("install-%s", element(concat(var.controller_names, var.worker_names), count.index))}"
profile = "${local.flavor == "flatcar" ? element(matchbox_profile.flatcar-install.*.name, count.index) : var.cached_install == "true" ? element(matchbox_profile.cached-container-linux-install.*.name, count.index) : element(matchbox_profile.container-linux-install.*.name, count.index)}"
selector {
mac = "${element(concat(var.controller_macs, var.worker_macs), count.index)}"
resource "matchbox_group" "controller" {
count = "${length(var.controller_names)}"
name = "${format("%s-%s", var.cluster_name, element(var.controller_names, count.index))}"
profile = "${element(matchbox_profile.controllers.*.name, count.index)}"
selector {
mac = "${element(var.controller_macs, count.index)}"
os = "installed"
resource "matchbox_group" "worker" {
count = "${length(var.worker_names)}"
name = "${format("%s-%s", var.cluster_name, element(var.worker_names, count.index))}"
profile = "${element(matchbox_profile.workers.*.name, count.index)}"
selector {
mac = "${element(var.worker_macs, count.index)}"
os = "installed"