Dalton Hubble 87a8278c9d Improve AWS autoscaling group and launch config names
* Rename launch configuration to use a name_prefix named after the
cluster and worker to improve identifiability
* Shorten AWS autoscaling group name to not include the launch config
id. Years ago this used to be needed to update the ASG but the AWS
provider detects changes to the launch configuration just fine
2022-08-08 20:46:08 -07:00

84 lines
2.4 KiB

# Workers AutoScaling Group
resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "workers" {
name = "${var.name}-worker"
# count
desired_capacity = var.worker_count
min_size = var.worker_count
max_size = var.worker_count + 2
default_cooldown = 30
health_check_grace_period = 30
# network
vpc_zone_identifier = var.subnet_ids
# template
launch_configuration = aws_launch_configuration.worker.name
# target groups to which instances should be added
target_group_arns = flatten([
lifecycle {
# override the default destroy and replace update behavior
create_before_destroy = true
# Waiting for instance creation delays adding the ASG to state. If instances
# can't be created (e.g. spot price too low), the ASG will be orphaned.
# Orphaned ASGs escape cleanup, can't be updated, and keep bidding if spot is
# used. Disable wait to avoid issues and align with other clouds.
wait_for_capacity_timeout = "0"
tag {
key = "Name"
value = "${var.name}-worker"
propagate_at_launch = true
# Worker template
resource "aws_launch_configuration" "worker" {
name_prefix = "${var.name}-worker"
image_id = local.ami_id
instance_type = var.instance_type
spot_price = var.spot_price > 0 ? var.spot_price : null
enable_monitoring = false
user_data = data.ct_config.worker.rendered
# storage
root_block_device {
volume_type = var.disk_type
volume_size = var.disk_size
iops = var.disk_iops
encrypted = true
# network
security_groups = var.security_groups
lifecycle {
// Override the default destroy and replace update behavior
create_before_destroy = true
ignore_changes = [image_id]
# Flatcar Linux worker
data "ct_config" "worker" {
content = templatefile("${path.module}/butane/worker.yaml", {
kubeconfig = indent(10, var.kubeconfig)
ssh_authorized_key = var.ssh_authorized_key
cluster_dns_service_ip = cidrhost(var.service_cidr, 10)
cluster_domain_suffix = var.cluster_domain_suffix
node_labels = join(",", var.node_labels)
node_taints = join(",", var.node_taints)
strict = true
snippets = var.snippets