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synced 2025-03-15 08:41:11 +01:00
* Add an `enable_aggregation` variable to enable the kube-apiserver aggregation layer for adding extension apiservers to clusters * Aggregation is **disabled** by default. Typhoon recommends you not enable aggregation. Consider whether less invasive ways to achieve your goals are possible and whether those goals are well-founded * Enabling aggregation and extension apiservers increases the attack surface of a cluster and makes extensions a part of the control plane. Admins must scrutinize and trust any extension apiserver used. * Passing a v1.14 CNCF conformance test requires aggregation be enabled. Having an option for aggregation keeps compliance, but retains the stricter security posture on default clusters
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variable "cluster_name" {
type = "string"
description = "Unique cluster name (prepended to dns_zone)"
variable "dns_zone" {
type = "string"
description = "AWS Route53 DNS Zone (e.g. aws.example.com)"
variable "dns_zone_id" {
type = "string"
description = "AWS Route53 DNS Zone ID (e.g. Z3PAABBCFAKEC0)"
# instances
variable "controller_count" {
type = "string"
default = "1"
description = "Number of controllers (i.e. masters)"
variable "worker_count" {
type = "string"
default = "1"
description = "Number of workers"
variable "controller_type" {
type = "string"
default = "t3.small"
description = "EC2 instance type for controllers"
variable "worker_type" {
type = "string"
default = "t3.small"
description = "EC2 instance type for workers"
variable "os_image" {
type = "string"
default = "coreos-stable"
description = "AMI channel for a Container Linux derivative (coreos-stable, coreos-beta, coreos-alpha, flatcar-stable, flatcar-beta, flatcar-alpha)"
variable "disk_size" {
type = "string"
default = "40"
description = "Size of the EBS volume in GB"
variable "disk_type" {
type = "string"
default = "gp2"
description = "Type of the EBS volume (e.g. standard, gp2, io1)"
variable "disk_iops" {
type = "string"
default = "0"
description = "IOPS of the EBS volume (e.g. 100)"
variable "worker_price" {
type = "string"
default = ""
description = "Spot price in USD for autoscaling group spot instances. Leave as default empty string for autoscaling group to use on-demand instances. Note, switching in-place from spot to on-demand is not possible: https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-aws/issues/4320"
variable "worker_target_groups" {
type = "list"
description = "Additional target group ARNs to which worker instances should be added"
default = []
variable "controller_clc_snippets" {
type = "list"
description = "Controller Container Linux Config snippets"
default = []
variable "worker_clc_snippets" {
type = "list"
description = "Worker Container Linux Config snippets"
default = []
# configuration
variable "ssh_authorized_key" {
type = "string"
description = "SSH public key for user 'core'"
variable "asset_dir" {
description = "Path to a directory where generated assets should be placed (contains secrets)"
type = "string"
variable "networking" {
description = "Choice of networking provider (calico or flannel)"
type = "string"
default = "calico"
variable "network_mtu" {
description = "CNI interface MTU (applies to calico only). Use 8981 if using instances types with Jumbo frames."
type = "string"
default = "1480"
variable "host_cidr" {
description = "CIDR IPv4 range to assign to EC2 nodes"
type = "string"
default = ""
variable "pod_cidr" {
description = "CIDR IPv4 range to assign Kubernetes pods"
type = "string"
default = ""
variable "service_cidr" {
description = <<EOD
CIDR IPv4 range to assign Kubernetes services.
The 1st IP will be reserved for kube_apiserver, the 10th IP will be reserved for coredns.
type = "string"
default = ""
variable "cluster_domain_suffix" {
description = "Queries for domains with the suffix will be answered by coredns. Default is cluster.local (e.g. foo.default.svc.cluster.local) "
type = "string"
default = "cluster.local"
variable "enable_reporting" {
type = "string"
description = "Enable usage or analytics reporting to upstreams (Calico)"
default = "false"
variable "enable_aggregation" {
description = "Enable the Kubernetes Aggregation Layer (defaults to false)"
type = "string"
default = "false"