
69 lines
1.7 KiB

locals {
# format assets for distribution
assets_bundle = [
# header with the unpack location
for key, value in module.bootstrap.assets_dist :
format("##### %s\n%s", key, value)
# Secure copy assets to controllers. Activates kubelet.service
resource "null_resource" "copy-controller-secrets" {
count = length(var.controllers)
# Without depends_on, remote-exec could start and wait for machines before
# matchbox groups are written, causing a deadlock.
depends_on = [
connection {
type = "ssh"
host = var.controllers.*.domain[count.index]
user = "core"
timeout = "60m"
provisioner "file" {
content = module.bootstrap.kubeconfig-kubelet
destination = "/home/core/kubeconfig"
provisioner "file" {
content = join("\n", local.assets_bundle)
destination = "/home/core/assets"
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"sudo mv /home/core/kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/kubeconfig",
"sudo /opt/bootstrap/layout",
# Connect to a controller to perform one-time cluster bootstrap.
resource "null_resource" "bootstrap" {
# Without depends_on, this remote-exec may start before the kubeconfig copy.
# Terraform only does one task at a time, so it would try to bootstrap
# while no Kubelets are running.
depends_on = [
connection {
type = "ssh"
host = var.controllers[0].domain
user = "core"
timeout = "15m"
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"sudo systemctl start bootstrap",