resource "kubernetes_daemonset" "cilium" { wait_for_rollout = false metadata { name = "cilium" namespace = "kube-system" labels = { k8s-app = "cilium" } } spec { strategy { type = "RollingUpdate" rolling_update { max_unavailable = "1" } } selector { match_labels = { k8s-app = "cilium-agent" } } template { metadata { labels = { k8s-app = "cilium-agent" } annotations = { "" = "9962" "" = "true" } } spec { host_network = true priority_class_name = "system-node-critical" service_account_name = "cilium-agent" security_context { seccomp_profile { type = "RuntimeDefault" } } toleration { key = "" operator = "Exists" } toleration { key = "" operator = "Exists" } dynamic "toleration" { for_each = var.daemonset_tolerations content { key = toleration.value operator = "Exists" } } automount_service_account_token = true enable_service_links = false # Cilium v1.13.1 starts installing CNI plugins in yet another init container # init_container { name = "install-cni" image = "" command = ["/"] security_context { allow_privilege_escalation = true privileged = true capabilities { drop = ["ALL"] } } volume_mount { name = "cni-bin-dir" mount_path = "/host/opt/cni/bin" } } # Required to mount cgroup2 filesystem on the underlying Kubernetes node. # We use nsenter command with host's cgroup and mount namespaces enabled. init_container { name = "mount-cgroup" image = "" command = [ "sh", "-ec", # The statically linked Go program binary is invoked to avoid any # dependency on utilities like sh and mount that can be missing on certain # distros installed on the underlying host. Copy the binary to the # same directory where we install cilium cni plugin so that exec permissions # are available. "cp /usr/bin/cilium-mount /hostbin/cilium-mount && nsenter --cgroup=/hostproc/1/ns/cgroup --mount=/hostproc/1/ns/mnt \"$${BIN_PATH}/cilium-mount\" $CGROUP_ROOT; rm /hostbin/cilium-mount" ] env { name = "CGROUP_ROOT" value = "/run/cilium/cgroupv2" } env { name = "BIN_PATH" value = "/opt/cni/bin" } security_context { allow_privilege_escalation = true privileged = true } volume_mount { name = "hostproc" mount_path = "/hostproc" } volume_mount { name = "cni-bin-dir" mount_path = "/hostbin" } } init_container { name = "clean-cilium-state" image = "" command = ["/"] security_context { allow_privilege_escalation = true privileged = true } volume_mount { name = "sys-fs-bpf" mount_path = "/sys/fs/bpf" } volume_mount { name = "var-run-cilium" mount_path = "/var/run/cilium" } # Required to mount cgroup filesystem from the host to cilium agent pod volume_mount { name = "cilium-cgroup" mount_path = "/run/cilium/cgroupv2" mount_propagation = "HostToContainer" } } container { name = "cilium-agent" image = "" command = ["cilium-agent"] args = [ "--config-dir=/tmp/cilium/config-map" ] env { name = "K8S_NODE_NAME" value_from { field_ref { api_version = "v1" field_path = "spec.nodeName" } } } env { name = "CILIUM_K8S_NAMESPACE" value_from { field_ref { api_version = "v1" field_path = "metadata.namespace" } } } env { name = "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST" value_from { config_map_key_ref { name = "in-cluster" key = "apiserver-host" } } } env { name = "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT" value_from { config_map_key_ref { name = "in-cluster" key = "apiserver-port" } } } port { name = "peer-service" protocol = "TCP" container_port = 4244 } # Metrics port { name = "metrics" protocol = "TCP" container_port = 9962 } port { name = "envoy-metrics" protocol = "TCP" container_port = 9964 } port { name = "hubble-metrics" protocol = "TCP" container_port = 9965 } # Not yet used, prefer exec's port { name = "health" protocol = "TCP" container_port = 9876 } lifecycle { pre_stop { exec { command = ["/"] } } } security_context { allow_privilege_escalation = true privileged = true } liveness_probe { exec { command = ["cilium", "status", "--brief"] } initial_delay_seconds = 120 timeout_seconds = 5 period_seconds = 30 success_threshold = 1 failure_threshold = 10 } readiness_probe { exec { command = ["cilium", "status", "--brief"] } initial_delay_seconds = 5 timeout_seconds = 5 period_seconds = 20 success_threshold = 1 failure_threshold = 3 } # Load kernel modules volume_mount { name = "lib-modules" read_only = true mount_path = "/lib/modules" } # Access iptables concurrently volume_mount { name = "xtables-lock" mount_path = "/run/xtables.lock" } # Keep state between restarts volume_mount { name = "var-run-cilium" mount_path = "/var/run/cilium" } volume_mount { name = "sys-fs-bpf" mount_path = "/sys/fs/bpf" mount_propagation = "Bidirectional" } # Configuration volume_mount { name = "config" read_only = true mount_path = "/tmp/cilium/config-map" } # Install config on host volume_mount { name = "cni-conf-dir" mount_path = "/host/etc/cni/net.d" } # Hubble volume_mount { name = "hubble-tls" mount_path = "/var/lib/cilium/tls/hubble" read_only = true } } termination_grace_period_seconds = 1 # Load kernel modules volume { name = "lib-modules" host_path { path = "/lib/modules" } } # Access iptables concurrently with other processes (e.g. kube-proxy) volume { name = "xtables-lock" host_path { path = "/run/xtables.lock" type = "FileOrCreate" } } # Keep state between restarts volume { name = "var-run-cilium" host_path { path = "/var/run/cilium" type = "DirectoryOrCreate" } } # Keep state for bpf maps between restarts volume { name = "sys-fs-bpf" host_path { path = "/sys/fs/bpf" type = "DirectoryOrCreate" } } # Mount host cgroup2 filesystem volume { name = "hostproc" host_path { path = "/proc" type = "Directory" } } volume { name = "cilium-cgroup" host_path { path = "/run/cilium/cgroupv2" type = "DirectoryOrCreate" } } # Read configuration volume { name = "config" config_map { name = "cilium" } } # Install CNI plugin and config on host volume { name = "cni-bin-dir" host_path { path = "/opt/cni/bin" type = "DirectoryOrCreate" } } volume { name = "cni-conf-dir" host_path { path = "/etc/cni/net.d" type = "DirectoryOrCreate" } } # Hubble TLS (optional) volume { name = "hubble-tls" projected { default_mode = "0400" sources { secret { name = "hubble-server-certs" optional = true items { key = "ca.crt" path = "client-ca.crt" } items { key = "tls.crt" path = "server.crt" } items { key = "tls.key" path = "server.key" } } } } } } } } }