# AWS ## Load Balancing ![Load Balancing](/img/typhoon-aws-load-balancing.png) ### kube-apiserver A network load balancer (NLB) distributes IPv4 TCP/6443 traffic across a target group of controller nodes with a healthy `kube-apiserver`. Clusters with multiple controllers span zones in a region to tolerate zone outages. ### HTTP/HTTPS Ingress A network load balancer (NLB) distributes IPv4 TCP/80 and TCP/443 traffic across two target groups of worker nodes with a healthy Ingress controller. Workers span the zones in a region to tolerate zone outages. The AWS NLB has a DNS alias record (regional) resolving to 3 zonal IPv4 addresses. The alias record is output as `ingress_dns_name` for use in application DNS CNAME records. See [Ingress on AWS](/addons/ingress/#aws). ### TCP Services Load balance TCP applications by adding a listener and target group. A listener and target group may map different ports (e.g 3333 external, 30333 internal). ```tf # Forward TCP traffic to a target group resource "aws_lb_listener" "some-app" { load_balancer_arn = module.tempest.nlb_id protocol = "TCP" port = "3333" default_action { type = "forward" target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.some-app.arn } } # Target group of workers for some-app resource "aws_lb_target_group" "some-app" { name = "some-app" vpc_id = module.tempest.vpc_id target_type = "instance" protocol = "TCP" port = 3333 health_check { protocol = "TCP" port = 30333 } } ``` Pass `worker_target_groups` to the cluster to register worker instances into custom target groups. ```tf module "tempest" { ... worker_target_groups = [ aws_lb_target_group.some-app.id, ] } ``` Notes: * AWS NLBs and target groups do not support UDP * Global Accelerator does support UDP, but its expensive ## Firewalls Add firewall rules to the worker security group. ```tf resource "aws_security_group_rule" "some-app" { security_group_id = module.tempest.worker_security_groups[0] type = "ingress" protocol = "tcp" from_port = 3333 to_port = 30333 cidr_blocks = [""] } ``` ## Routes Add a custom [route](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/aws/r/route.html) to the VPC route table. ```tf data "aws_route_table" "default" { vpc_id = module.temptest.vpc_id subnet_id = module.tempest.subnet_ids[0] } resource "aws_route" "peering" { route_table_id = data.aws_route_table.default.id destination_cidr_block = "" ... } ``` ## IPv6 AWS Network Load Balancers do not support `dualstack`. | IPv6 Feature | Supported | |-------------------------|-----------| | Node IPv6 address | Yes | | Node Outbound IPv6 | Yes | | Kubernetes Ingress IPv6 | No |