# Customization Typhoon provides Kubernetes clusters with defaults recommended for production. Terraform variables expose supported customization options. Advanced options are available for customizing the architecture or hosts as well. ## Variables Typhoon modules accept Terraform input variables for customizing clusters in meritorious ways (e.g. `worker_count`, etc). Variables are carefully considered to provide essentials, while limiting complexity and test matrix burden. See each platform's tutorial for options. ## Addons Clusters are kept to a minimal Kubernetes control plane by offering components like Nginx Ingress Controller, Prometheus, Grafana, and Heapster as optional post-install [addons](https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/tree/master/addons). Customize addons by modifying a copy of our addon manifests. ## Hosts ### Container Linux !!! danger Container Linux Configs provide powerful host customization abilities. You are responsible for the additional configs defined for hosts. Container Linux Configs (CLCs) declare how a Container Linux instance's disk should be provisioned on first boot from disk. CLCs define disk partitions, filesystems, files, systemd units, dropins, networkd configs, mount units, raid arrays, and users. Typhoon creates controller and worker instances with base Container Linux Configs to create a minimal, secure Kubernetes cluster on each platform. Typhoon AWS, Google Cloud, and Digital Ocean give users the ability to provide CLC *snippets* - valid Container Linux Configs that are validated and additively merged into the Typhoon base config during `terraform plan`. This allows advanced host customizations and experimentation. #### Examples Container Linux [docs](https://coreos.com/os/docs/latest/clc-examples.html) show many simple config examples. Ensure a file `/opt/hello` is created with permissions 0644. ``` # custom-files storage: files: - path: /opt/hello filesystem: root contents: inline: | Hello World mode: 0644 ``` Ensure a systemd unit `hello.service` is created and a dropin `50-etcd-cluster.conf` is added for `etcd-member.service`. ``` # custom-units systemd: units: - name: hello.service enable: true contents: | [Unit] Description=Hello World [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/usr/bin/echo Hello World! [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target - name: etcd-member.service enable: true dropins: - name: 50-etcd-cluster.conf contents: | Environment="ETCD_LOG_PACKAGE_LEVELS=etcdserver=WARNING,security=DEBUG" ``` #### Specification View the Container Linux Config [format](https://coreos.com/os/docs/1576.4.0/configuration.html) to read about each field. #### Usage Write Container Linux Configs *snippets* as files in the repository where you keep Terraform configs for clusters (perhaps in a `clc` or `snippets` subdirectory). You may organize snippets in multiple files as desired, provided they are each valid. [AWS](/cl/aws/#cluster), [Google Cloud](/cl/google-cloud/#cluster), and [Digital Ocean](/cl/digital-ocean/#cluster) clusters allow populating a list of `controller_clc_snippets` or `worker_clc_snippets`. ``` module "digital-ocean-nemo" { ... controller_count = 1 worker_count = 2 controller_clc_snippets = [ "${file("./custom-files")}", "${file("./custom-units")}", ] worker_clc_snippets = [ "${file("./custom-files")}", "${file("./custom-units")}", ] ... } ``` [Bare-Metal](/cl/bare-metal/#cluster) clusters allow different Container Linux snippets to be used for each node (since hardware may be heterogeneous). Populate the optional `clc_snippets` map variable with any controller or worker name keys and lists of snippets. ``` module "bare-metal-mercury" { ... controller_names = ["node1"] worker_names = [ "node2", "node3", ] clc_snippets = { "node2" = [ "${file("./units/hello.yaml")}" ] "node3" = [ "${file("./units/world.yaml")}", "${file("./units/hello.yaml")}", ] } ... } ``` Plan the resources to be created. ``` $ terraform plan Plan: 54 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy. ``` Most syntax errors in CLCs can be caught during planning. For example, mangle the indentation in one of the CLC files: ``` $ terraform plan ... error parsing Container Linux Config: error: yaml: line 3: did not find expected '-' indicator ``` Undo the mangle. Apply the changes to create the cluster per the tutorial. ``` $ terraform apply ``` Container Linux Configs (and the CoreOS Ignition system) create immutable infrastructure. Disk provisioning is performed only on first boot from disk. That means if you change a snippet used by an instance, Terraform will (correctly) try to destroy and recreate that instance. Be careful! !!! danger Destroying and recreating controller instances is destructive! etcd runs on controller instances and stores data there. Do not modify controller snippets. See [blue/green](/topics/maintenance/#upgrades) clusters. ### Fedora Atomic Cloud-Init and kickstart (bare-metal only) declare how a Fedora Atomic instance should be provisioned. Customizing these declarations in ways beyond the provided Terraform variables is unsupported. ## Architecture Typhoon chooses variables to expose with purpose. If you must customize clusters in ways that aren't supported by input variables, fork Typhoon and maintain a repository with customizations. Reference the repository by changing the username. ``` module "digital-ocean-nemo" { source = "git::https://github.com/USERNAME/typhoon//digital-ocean/container-linux/kubernetes?ref=myspecialcase" ... } ``` To customize lower-level Kubernetes control plane bootstrapping, see the [poseidon/terraform-render-bootkube](https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootkube) Terraform module.