variable "cluster_name" { type = string description = "Unique cluster name" } # bare-metal variable "matchbox_http_endpoint" { type = string description = "Matchbox HTTP read-only endpoint (e.g." } variable "os_channel" { type = string description = "Channel for a Flatcar Linux (flatcar-stable, flatcar-beta, flatcar-alpha)" validation { condition = contains(["flatcar-stable", "flatcar-beta", "flatcar-alpha"], var.os_channel) error_message = "The os_channel must be flatcar-stable, flatcar-beta, or flatcar-alpha." } } variable "os_version" { type = string description = "Version of Flatcar Linux to PXE and install (e.g. 2079.5.1)" } # machines variable "controllers" { type = list(object({ name = string mac = string domain = string })) description = <<EOD List of controller machine details (unique name, identifying MAC address, FQDN) [{ name = "node1", mac = "52:54:00:a1:9c:ae", domain = ""}] EOD } variable "workers" { type = list(object({ name = string mac = string domain = string })) description = <<EOD List of worker machine details (unique name, identifying MAC address, FQDN) [ { name = "node2", mac = "52:54:00:b2:2f:86", domain = ""}, { name = "node3", mac = "52:54:00:c3:61:77", domain = ""} ] EOD default = [] } variable "snippets" { type = map(list(string)) description = "Map from machine names to lists of Container Linux Config snippets" default = {} } variable "worker_node_labels" { type = map(list(string)) description = "Map from worker names to lists of initial node labels" default = {} } variable "worker_node_taints" { type = map(list(string)) description = "Map from worker names to lists of initial node taints" default = {} } # configuration variable "k8s_domain_name" { type = string description = "Controller DNS name which resolves to a controller instance. Workers and kubeconfig's will communicate with this endpoint (e.g." } variable "ssh_authorized_key" { type = string description = "SSH public key for user 'core'" } variable "networking" { type = string description = "Choice of networking provider (flannel, calico, or cilium)" default = "cilium" } variable "network_mtu" { type = number description = "CNI interface MTU (applies to calico only)" default = 1480 } variable "network_ip_autodetection_method" { type = string description = "Method to autodetect the host IPv4 address (applies to calico only)" default = "first-found" } variable "pod_cidr" { type = string description = "CIDR IPv4 range to assign Kubernetes pods" default = "" } variable "service_cidr" { type = string description = <<EOD CIDR IPv4 range to assign Kubernetes services. The 1st IP will be reserved for kube_apiserver, the 10th IP will be reserved for coredns. EOD default = "" } # optional variable "download_protocol" { type = string description = "Protocol iPXE should use to download the kernel and initrd. Defaults to https, which requires iPXE compiled with crypto support. Unused if cached_install is true." default = "https" } variable "cached_install" { type = bool description = "Whether Flatcar Linux should PXE boot and install from matchbox /assets cache. Note that the admin must have downloaded the os_version into matchbox assets." default = false } variable "install_disk" { type = string default = "/dev/sda" description = "Disk device to which the install profiles should install Flatcar Linux (e.g. /dev/sda)" } variable "kernel_args" { type = list(string) description = "Additional kernel arguments to provide at PXE boot." default = [] } variable "enable_reporting" { type = bool description = "Enable usage or analytics reporting to upstreams (Calico)" default = false } variable "enable_aggregation" { type = bool description = "Enable the Kubernetes Aggregation Layer" default = true } variable "oem_type" { type = string description = <<EOD An OEM type to install with flatcar-install. Find available types by looking for Flatcar image files ending in `image.bin.bz2`. The OEM identifier is contained in the filename. E.g., `flatcar_production_vmware_raw_image.bin.bz2` leads to `vmware_raw`. See: EOD default = "" } # unofficial, undocumented, unsupported variable "cluster_domain_suffix" { type = string description = "Queries for domains with the suffix will be answered by coredns. Default is cluster.local (e.g. foo.default.svc.cluster.local) " default = "cluster.local" } variable "components" { description = "Configure pre-installed cluster components" # Component configs are passed through to terraform-render-bootstrap, # which handles type enforcement and defines defaults # type = object({ enable = optional(bool) coredns = optional(map(any)) kube_proxy = optional(map(any)) flannel = optional(map(any)) calico = optional(map(any)) cilium = optional(map(any)) }) default = null }