# Hardware Typhoon ensures certain networking hardware integrates well with bare-metal Kubernetes. ## Ubiquiti Ubiquiti EdgeRouters work well with bare-metal Kubernetes clusters. Knowledge about how to setup an EdgeRouter and use the CLI is required. ### PXE Ubiquiti EdgeRouters can provide a PXE-enabled network boot environment for client machines. #### ISC DHCP Add a subnet parameter to the LAN DHCP server to include an ISC DHCP config file. ``` configure show service dhcp-server shared-network-name NAME subnet SUBNET set service dhcp-server shared-network-name NAME subnet SUBNET subnet-parameters "include "/config/scripts/ipxe.conf";" commit-confirm ``` Switch to root (i.e. `sudo -i`) and write the ISC DHCP config `/config/scripts/ipxe.conf`. iPXE client machines will chainload to `matchbox.example.com`, while non-iPXE clients will chainload to `undionly.kpxe` (requires TFTP to be enabled). ``` allow bootp; allow booting; next-server ADD_ROUTER_IP_HERE; if exists user-class and option user-class = "iPXE" { filename "http://matchbox.example.com/boot.ipxe"; } else { filename "undionly.kpxe"; } ``` ### TFTP Use `dnsmasq` as a TFTP server to serve [undionly.kpxe](http://boot.ipxe.org/undionly.kpxe). ``` sudo -i mkdir /var/lib/tftpboot cd /var/lib/tftpboot curl http://boot.ipxe.org/undionly.kpxe -o undionly.kpxe ``` Add `dnsmasq` command line options to enable the TFTP file server. ``` configure show service dns forwarding set service dns forwarding options enable-tftp set service dns forwarding options tftp-root=/var/lib/tftpboot commit-confirm ``` !!! warning After firmware upgrades, the `/var/lib/tftpboot` directory will not exist and dnsmasq will not start properly. Repeat this process following an upgrade. ### DHCP Assign static IPs to clients with known MAC addresses. This is called a static mapping by EdgeOS. Configure the router with the commands based on region inventory. ``` configure show service dhcp-server shared-network set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet SUBNET static-mapping NAME mac-address MACADDR set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet SUBNET static-mapping NAME ip-address ``` ### DNS Assign DNS A records to nodes as options to `dnsmasq`. ``` configure set service dns forwarding options host-record=node.example.com, ``` Restart `dnsmasq`. ``` sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart ``` Configure queries for `*.svc.cluster.local` to be forwarded to a Kubernetes `kube-dns` service IP to allow hosts to resolve cluster-local Kubernetes names. ``` configure show service dns forwarding set service dns forwarding options server=/svc.cluster.local/ commit-confirm ``` ### Kubernetes Services Add static routes for the Kubernetes IPv4 service range to Kubernetes node(s) so hosts can route to Kubernetes services (default: ``` configure show protocols static route set protocols static route next-hop NODE_IP ... commit-confirm ``` ### Port Forwarding Expose the [Ingress Controller](/addons/ingress.md#bare-metal) by adding `port-forward` rules that DNAT a port on the router's WAN interface to an internal IP and port. By convention, a public Ingress controller is assigned a fixed service IP like kube-dns (e.g. ``` configure set port-forward wan-interface eth0 set port-forward lan-interface eth1 set port-forward auto-firewall enable set port-forward hairpin-nat enable set port-forward rule 1 description 'ingress http' set port-forward rule 1 forward-to address set port-forward rule 1 forward-to port 80 set port-forward rule 1 original-port 80 set port-forward rule 1 protocol tcp_udp set port-forward rule 2 description 'ingress https' set port-forward rule 2 forward-to address set port-forward rule 2 forward-to port 443 set port-forward rule 2 original-port 443 set port-forward rule 2 protocol tcp_udp commit-confirm ``` ### Web UI The web UI is often accessible from the LAN on ports 80/443 by default. Edit the ports to 8080 and 4443 to avoid a conflict. ``` configure show service gui set service gui http-port 8080 set service gui https-port 4443 commit-confirm ``` ### BGP Add the EdgeRouter as a global BGP peer for nodes in a Kubernetes cluster (requires Calico). Neighbors will exchange `podCIDR` routes and individual pods will become routable on the LAN. Configure node(s) as BGP neighbors. ``` show protocols bgp 1 set protocols bgp 1 parameters router-id LAN_IP set protocols bgp 1 neighbor NODE1_IP remote-as 64512 set protocols bgp 1 neighbor NODE2_IP remote-as 64512 set protocols bgp 1 neighbor NODE3_IP remote-as 64512 ``` View the neighbors and exchanged routes. ``` show ip bgp neighbors show ip route bgp ``` Be sure to register the peer by creating a Calico `BGPPeer` CRD with `kubectl apply`. ``` apiVersion: crd.projectcalico.org/v1 kind: BGPPeer metadata: name: NAME spec: peerIP: LAN_IP asNumber: 64512 ```