* Google Cloud Terraform provider resource google_dns_record_set's
name field provides the full domain name with a trailing ".". This
isn't a new behavior, Google has behaved this way as long as I can
* etcd domain names are passed to the bootstrap module to generate
TLS certificates. What seems to be new(ish?) is that etcd peers
see example.foo and example.foo. as different domains during TLS
SANs validation. As a result, clusters with multiple controller
nodes fail to run etcd-member, which manifests as cluster provisioning
hanging. Single controller/master clusters (default) are unaffected
* Fix etcd-member.service error in multi-controller clusters:
"error":"x509: certificate is valid for conformance-etcd0.redacted.,
conform-etcd1.redacted., conform-etcd2.redacted., not conform-etcd1.redacted"}
* Fixes warning about use of deprecated field `key_algorithm` in
the `hashicorp/tls` provider. The key algorithm can now be inferred
directly from the private key so resources don't have to output
and pass around the algorithm
* Mount both /etc/ssl/certs and /etc/pki into control plane static
pods and kube-proxy, rather than choosing one based a variable
(set based on Flatcar Linux or Fedora CoreOS)
* Remove deprecated `--port` from `kube-scheduler` static Pod
* Update `null` provider to allow use of v3.1.x releases,
instead of being stuck on v2.1.2
* Update min versions in terraform-render-boostrap
* Document the recommended versions of Terraform cloud providers
* Kubernetes v1.22.0 disabled kube-controller-manager insecure
port, which was used internally for Prometheus metrics scraping
* Configure Prometheus to discover and scrape endpoints for
kube-scheduler and kube-controller-manager via the authenticated
https ports, via bearer token
* Change firewall ports to allow Prometheus (on worker nodes)
to scrape kube-scheduler and kube-controller-manager targets
that run on controller(s) with hostNetwork
* Disable the insecure port on kube-scheduler
* On Fedora CoreOS, Cilium cross-node service IP load balancing
stopped working for a time (first observable as CoreDNS pods
located on worker nodes not being able to reach the kubernetes
API service This turned out to have two parts:
* Fedora CoreOS switched to cgroups v2 by default. In our early
testing with cgroups v2, Calico (default) was used. With the
cgroups v2 change, SELinux policy denied some eBPF operations.
Since fixed in all Fedora CoreOS channels
* Cilium requires new mounts to support cgroups v2, which are
added here
* https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/292
* https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/881
* https://github.com/cilium/cilium/pull/16259