Dalton Hubble
Raise nginx-ingress liveness/readiness timeout
* Under heavy load, avoid timeouts causing nginx-ingress
restarts https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/pull/3737
2019-02-09 12:53:09 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Prometheus from v2.7.0 to v2.7.1
* https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.7.1
2019-02-02 00:13:24 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Prometheus from v2.6.1 to v2.7.0
2019-01-29 22:31:20 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update node-exporter from v0.15.2 to v0.17.0
* node-exporter renamed multiple metrics that are reflected
in changes to Prometheus rules and Grafana dashboard expressions
2019-01-22 01:14:00 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Allow kube-state-metrics PodDisruptionBudget metrics
* Update kube-state-metrics ClusterRole to allow collecting
poddisruptionbudget metrics (exported as kube_poddisruptionbudget_*)
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics/pull/551
* Bump addon-resizer from v1.7 to v1.8.4
2019-01-22 01:12:32 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update nginx-ingress from v0.21.0 to v0.22.0
* https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/tag/nginx-0.22.0
2019-01-16 23:01:22 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Prometheus from v2.6.0 to v2.6.1
* https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.6.1
2019-01-15 21:13:40 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from v5.4.2 to v5.4.3
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.4.3
2019-01-15 21:13:16 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update kube-state-metrics exporter from v1.4.0 to v1.5.0
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics/releases/tag/v1.5.0
2019-01-12 14:24:57 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Prometheus addon from v2.5.0 to v2.6.0
* https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.6.0
2018-12-27 07:35:12 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from v5.4.0 to v5.4.2
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.4.2
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.4.1
2018-12-15 12:39:03 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from v5.3.4 to v5.4.0
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.4.0
2018-12-06 01:33:50 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Disable Grafana login form, admin user can't be disabled
* Example manifests aim to provide a read-only dashboard visible
to any users with network access (i.e. kubectl port-forward, LAN)
* Problem: Grafana always has an admin user, even with the user
management system disabled
* Disable the login form to prevent admin login
2018-11-28 22:04:08 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update ngninx-ingress from v0.20.0 to v0.21.0
* https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/tag/nginx-0.21.0
2018-11-26 21:57:34 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from v5.3.2 to v5.3.4
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.3.3
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.3.4
2018-11-18 16:42:50 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Fix Prometheus etcd scrape config for DigitalOcean
* Kubelet uses a node's hostname as the node name, which isn't
resolvable on DigitalOcean. On DigitalOcean, the node name was
set to the internal IP until #337 switched to instead configuring
kube-apiserver to prefer the InternalIP for communication
* Explicitly configure etcd scrapes to target each controller by
internal IP and port 2381 (replace __address__)
2018-11-06 23:02:45 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Prometheus from v2.4.3 to v2.5.0
* https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.5.0
2018-11-06 22:16:12 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from v5.3.1 to v5.3.2
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.3.2
2018-10-28 19:44:22 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Configure Heapster to source metrics from Kubelet authenticated API
* Heapster can now get nodes (i.e. kubelets) from the apiserver and
source metrics from the Kubelet authenticated API (10250) instead of
the Kubelet HTTP read-only API (10255)
* https://github.com/kubernetes/heapster/blob/master/docs/source-configuration.md
* Use the heapster service account token via Kubelet bearer token
* Permit Heapster to skip CA verification. The CA cert does not contain
IP SANs and cannot since nodes get random IPs that aren't known upfront.
Heapster obtains the node list from the apiserver, so the risk of
spoofing a node is limited. For the same reason, Prometheus scrapes
must skip CA verification for scraping Kubelet's provided by the apiserver.
* https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/blob/v1.12.1/addons/prometheus/config.yaml#L68
* Create a heapster ClusterRole to work around the default Kubernetes
`system:heapster` ClusterRole lacking the proper GET `nodes/stats`
access. See https://github.com/kubernetes/heapster/issues/1936
2018-10-18 21:03:01 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update nginx-ingress from v0.19.0 to v0.20.0
2018-10-16 21:35:29 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Prometheus from v2.4.2 to v2.4.3
* https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.4.3
2018-10-16 21:29:41 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from v5.3.0 to v5.3.1
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.3.1
2018-10-16 21:23:44 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Add docker/default seccomp to control plane and addons
* Annotate pods, deployments, and daemonsets to start containers
with the Docker runtime's default seccomp profile
* Overrides Kubernetes default behavior which started containers
with seccomp=unconfined
* https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/seccomp/#pass-a-profile-for-a-container
2018-10-16 20:07:29 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from v5.2.4 to v5.3.0
2018-10-13 23:03:31 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Prometheus from v2.3.2 to v2.4.2
* https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.4.0
* https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.4.1
* https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.4.2
2018-09-21 22:27:11 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update nginx-ingress from 0.17.1 to 0.19.0
* If using --enable-ssl-passthrough or exposing TCP/UDP services,
be aware of https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/pull/3038
* Workarounds until the fix merges are to stay on 0.17.1, use the
suggested development image, or revert to securityContext
`runAsNonRoot: false` for a while (less secure)
2018-09-08 17:57:01 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from v5.2.2 to v5.2.4
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.2.3
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.2.4
2018-09-08 15:41:20 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update kube-state-metrics from v1.3.1 to v1.4.0
2018-08-29 09:37:50 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Add docs for Azure Ingress and worker pools
* Azure worker pools must be in the same region as
the cluster itself unfortunately
2018-08-27 23:30:56 -07:00
Becca Powell
Fix typo in Prometheus alerting rules
2018-08-21 16:55:49 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Add nginx-ingress addon manifests for bare-metal
2018-08-11 12:14:23 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update nginx-ingress from 0.16.2 to 0.17.1
* https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/tag/nginx-0.17.1
* https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/tag/nginx-0.17.0
2018-08-08 00:45:20 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update heapster from v1.5.3 to v1.5.4
* https://github.com/kubernetes/heapster/releases/tag/v1.5.4
2018-07-29 11:19:57 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from v5.2.1 to v5.2.2
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.2.2
2018-07-29 11:12:56 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Prometheus from v2.3.1 to v2.3.2
* https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.3.2
2018-07-14 14:25:49 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Add Prometheus alert rule for inactive md devices
* node-exporter exposes metrics to Prometheus about total and
active md devices (e.g. disks in mdadm RAID arrays)
* Add alert that fires when a RAID disk fails or becomes inactive
for another reason
2018-07-10 00:20:30 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Nginx Ingress controller from 0.15.0 to 0.16.2
* https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/tag/nginx-0.16.2
* https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/master/Changelog.md
2018-07-02 22:06:22 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update heapster from v1.5.2 to v1.5.3
2018-07-01 21:07:52 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from 5.1.4 to 5.2.1
* http://docs.grafana.org/guides/whats-new-in-v5-2/
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.2.0
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.2.1
2018-07-01 20:55:34 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Drop hostNetwork from nginx-ingress addon
* Both flannel and Calico support host port via `portmap`
* Allows writing NetworkPolicies that reference ingress pods in `from`
or `to`. HostNetwork pods were difficult to write network policy for
since they could circumvent the CNI network to communicate with pods on
the same node.
2018-06-22 00:46:41 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from 5.1.3 to 5.1.4
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.1.4
2018-06-19 21:45:15 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update prometheus from v2.3.0 to v2.3.1
* https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.3.1
2018-06-19 21:43:50 -07:00
Stephen Demos
Update CLUO from v0.6.0 to v0.7.0
2018-06-14 22:32:36 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Label namespaces to ease writing Network Policies
2018-06-09 11:45:11 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update prometheus from v2.2.1 to v2.3.0
2018-06-09 11:43:10 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Annotate Grafana so Prometheus scrapes metrics
2018-05-30 22:37:47 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Add Prometheus liveness and readiness probes
2018-05-30 22:34:07 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Annotate nginx-ingress addon for Prometheus auto-discovery
* Add Google Cloud firewall rule to allow worker to worker access
to health and metrics
2018-05-19 13:13:14 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update nginx-ingress from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0
* https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/tag/nginx-0.15.0
2018-05-17 21:42:55 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from v5.1.2 to v5.1.3
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.1.3
2018-05-17 21:36:09 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Configure Prometheus to scrape Kubelets directly
* Use Kubelet bearer token authn/authz to scrape metrics
* Drop RBAC permission from nodes/proxy to nodes/metrics
* Stop proxying kubelet scrapes through the apiserver, since
this required higher privilege (nodes/proxy) and can add
load to the apiserver on large clusters
2018-05-14 23:06:50 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Disable default Google Analytics in Grafana addon
* Its come to my attention Grafana reports analytics data
by default. Typhoon's philosophy requires user permission
for data collection so the addon should have this disabled
* http://docs.grafana.org/installation/configuration/#analytics
2018-05-10 01:18:47 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from v5.1.1 to v5.1.2
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.1.2
2018-05-10 01:09:08 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from v5.0.4 to v5.1.1
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.1.1
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.1.0
2018-05-07 22:05:19 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Fix Prometheus data dir to /var/lib/prometheus
* A data volume (emptyDir) is mounted to /var/lib/prometheus
* Users could swap emptyDir for any desired volume if data
persistence is desired. Prometheus previously defaulted to
keeping its data in ./data relative to /prometheus. Override
this behavior to store data in /var/lib/prometheus
2018-05-01 22:05:27 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update nginx-ingress from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0
* https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/tag/nginx-0.14.0
2018-04-28 13:10:03 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update nginx-ingress from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0
* https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/tag/nginx-0.13.0
2018-04-18 21:12:09 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update kube-state-metrics from v1.3.0 to v1.3.1
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics/releases/tag/v1.3.1
2018-04-15 17:10:02 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Use k8s.gcr.io instead of gcr.io/google_containers
* Kubernetes recommends using the alias to fetch images
from the nearest GCR regional mirror, to abstract the use
of GCR, and to drop names containing 'google'
* https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/kubernetes-dev/ytjk_rNrTa0/3EFUHvovCAAJ
2018-04-08 12:57:52 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Return Prometheus deployment to be a worker workload
* Expose etcd metrics to workers so Prometheus can
run on a worker, rather than a controller
* Drop temporary firewall rules allowing Prometheus
to run on a controller and scrape targes
* Related to https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/pull/175
2018-04-08 12:20:00 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update kube-state-metrics from v1.2.0 to v1.3.0
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics/pull/412
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics/pull/413
2018-04-04 21:04:13 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Add etcd metrics, Prometheus scrapes, and Grafana dash
* Use etcd v3.3 --listen-metrics-urls to expose only metrics
data via on controllers
* Add Prometheus discovery for etcd peers on controller nodes
* Temporarily drop two noisy Prometheus alerts
2018-04-03 20:31:00 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update from Grafana v4.6.3 to v5.0.4
This reverts commit c59a9c66b1
2018-03-28 19:45:19 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update heapster from v1.5.1 to v1.5.2
* https://github.com/kubernetes/heapster/releases/tag/v1.5.2
2018-03-21 20:32:01 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update nginx-ingress from 0.11.0 to 0.12.0
2018-03-19 23:17:17 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Prometheus from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1
2018-03-18 15:56:44 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Revert "addons: Update from Grafana v4.6.3 to v5.0.0"
* Revert commit 9dcc255f8e
* Grafana v5.0 is not compatible with Kubernetes v1.9.4. See
2018-03-12 21:01:14 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Prometheus from v2.2.0-rc.1 to v2.2.0
* https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.2.0
2018-03-09 00:20:40 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Grafana from v5.0.0 to 5.0.1
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v5.0.1
2018-03-09 00:20:40 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update from Grafana v4.6.3 to v5.0.0
2018-03-09 00:20:40 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update Prometheus from v2.1.0 to v2.2.0
* Annotate Prometheus service to scrape metrics from
Prometheus itself (enables Prometheus* alerts)
* Update kube-state-metrics addon-resizer to 1.7
* Use port 8080 for kube-state-metrics
* Add PrometheusNotIngestingSamples alert rule
* Change K8SKubeletDown alert rule to fire when 10%
of kubelets are down, not 1%
* https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/pull/1032
2018-03-09 00:20:40 -08:00
Paul Saunders
Rename namespace manifests to be applied first
* Ensure kubectl apply -R creates manifests in the right order
2018-02-22 01:04:30 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update nginx-ingress from 0.10.2 to 0.11.0
2018-02-21 23:54:12 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update Heapster from v1.5.0 to v1.5.1
* Switch to k8s.gcr.io vanity image name
* Add service account, Role, and ClusterRole for heapster
2018-02-15 10:57:47 -08:00
Stephen Augustus
addons/nginx-ingress: Fix typo in GCP selector name
2018-02-14 03:07:36 -05:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Remove Kubernetes Dashboard manifests and docs
* Stop maintaining Kubernetes Dashboard manifests. Dashboard takes
an unusual approch to security and is often a security weak point.
* Recommendation: Use `kubectl` and avoid using the dashboard. If
you must use the dashboard, explore hardening and consider using an
authenticating proxy rather than the dashboard's auth features
2018-02-11 10:33:23 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Switch to apps/v1 workload APIs
* Deployments now belong to the apps/v1 API group
* DaemonSets now belong to the apps/v1 API group
* RBAC types now belong to the rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 API group
2018-02-10 23:56:31 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Add grafana-watcher and bundle dashboards
* Add separate Grafana addons docs and screenshots
2018-01-28 01:01:30 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update Prometheus to v2.1.0
* Change service discovery to relabel jobs to align with
rule expressions in upstream examples
* Use a separate service account for prometheus instead
of granting roles to the namespace's default
* Use a separate service account for node-exporter
* Update node-exporter and kube-state-metrics exporters
2018-01-27 21:00:15 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update nginx-ingress from v0.10.1 to v0.10.2
2018-01-26 17:27:36 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update CLUO from v0.5.0 to v0.6.0
* https://github.com/coreos/container-linux-update-operator/releases/tag/v0.6.0
2018-01-26 17:24:09 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update nginx-ingress to 0.10.1
2018-01-24 20:34:05 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update nginx-ingress to 0.10.0
2018-01-23 09:28:37 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update CLUO to fix compatability with Kubernetes 1.9
* Update CLUO from v0.4.1 to v0.5.0
* Earlier versions of CLUO fail to drain nodes on Kubernetes 1.9
so nodes drain one at a time repeatedly and Container Linux OS
updates are not applied to nodes.
* Check current OS versions via `kubectl get nodes --show-labels`
2018-01-19 08:33:26 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Update kube-state-metrics version and RBAC cluster role
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics/pull/345
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics/pull/334
2018-01-15 08:33:44 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update grafana from v4.6.2 to v4.6.3
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v4.6.3
2017-12-15 16:09:14 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update heapster from v1.4.3 to v1.5.0
* Rollback addon-resizer to 1.7 to address issues in large
clusters https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/52536
2017-12-11 23:34:25 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update nginx-ingress to 0.9.0
2017-12-11 00:48:15 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update nginx-ingress to 0.9.0-beta.19
* Undo rollback f00ecde854
* Port binding regression only occurs with --enable-ssl-passthrough,
which isn't used in these examples. See
2017-12-11 00:44:32 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
Rollback nginx-ingress on GCE to 0.9.0-beta.17
* https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/issues/1788
2017-12-02 14:06:22 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Sync prometheus alerts to upstream
* https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/pull/774
2017-12-01 23:24:08 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update nginx-ingress to 0.9.0-beta.19
* https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/tag/nginx-0.9.0-beta.19
2017-12-01 22:32:33 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Add prometheus rules for DaemonSets
* https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/pull/755
2017-11-16 23:51:21 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Fix prometheus K8SApiServerLatency alert rule
* https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/issues/751
2017-11-16 23:37:15 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update Grafana from v4.6.1 to v4.6.2
* https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v4.6.2
2017-11-16 23:34:36 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Add better alerting rules to Prometheus manifests
* Adapt the coreos/prometheus-operator alerting rules for Typhoon,
* Add controller manager and scheduler shim services to let
prometheus discover them via service endpoints
* Fix several alert rules to use service endpoint discovery
* A few rules still don't do much, but they default to green
2017-11-10 20:57:47 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update nginx-ingress to 0.9.0-beta.17
* https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/tag/nginx-0.9.0-beta.17
2017-11-10 20:16:40 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update from Prometheus v1.8.2 to v2.0.0
2017-11-08 22:48:23 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Update nginx-ingress to 0.9.0-beta.16
* Image registry changed from gcr.io to quay.io
* https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/tag/nginx-0.9.0-beta.16
2017-11-06 23:15:15 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
addons: Set kube-state-metrics to have clusterIP None
* kube-state-metrics service exists to facilitate prometheus discovery
2017-11-05 17:54:09 -08:00