* Fix issue (present since bootkube->bootstrap switch) where
controller asset copy could fail if /etc/kubernetes/manifests
wasn't created in time on platforms using path activation for
the Kubelet (observed on DigitalOcean, also possible on
* Rename render module from bootkube to bootstrap. Avoid
confusion with the kubernetes-incubator/bootkube tool since
it is no longer used
* Use the poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap Terraform module
(formerly poseidon/terraform-render-bootkube)
* https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootkube/pull/149
* Run a kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager
static pod on each controller node. Previously, kube-apiserver was
self-hosted as a DaemonSet across controllers and kube-scheduler
and kube-controller-manager were a Deployment (with 2 or
controller_count many replicas).
* Remove bootkube bootstrap and pivot to self-hosted
* Remove pod-checkpointer manifests (no longer needed)
* Replace v0.11 bracket type hints with Terraform v0.12 list expressions
* Use expression syntax instead of interpolated strings, where suggested
* Update AWS tutorial and worker pools documentation
* Define Terraform and plugin version requirements in versions.tf
* Require aws ~> 2.7 to support Terraform v0.12
* Require ct ~> 0.3.2 to support Terraform v0.12
* AWS and Google Cloud make use of auto-scaling groups
and managed instance groups, respectively. As such, the
kubeconfig is already held in cloud user-data
* Controller instances are provisioned with a kubeconfig
from user-data. Its redundant to use a Terraform remote
file copy step for the kubeconfig.
* ELB distributing load across controllers is no longer the mechanism
used to SSH to instances to distribute secrets
* Focus the ELB on load balancing across apiserver and edit the HTTP
health check to an SSL:443 check
* Change controllers ASG to heterogeneous EC2 instances
* Create DNS records for each controller's private IP for etcd
* Change etcd to run on-host, across controllers (etcd-member.service)
* Reduce time to bootstrap a cluster
* Deprecate self-hosted-etcd on the AWS platform