* Use the official Kinvolk Flatcar Linux image on Google Cloud
* Change `os_image` from a custom image name to `flatcar-stable`
(default), `flatcar-beta`, or `flatcar-alpha` (**action required**)
* Change `os_image` from a required to an optional variable
* Promote Typhoon on Flatcar Linux / Google Cloud to stable
* Remove docs about needing to upload a Flatcar Linux image
manually on Google Cloud and drop support for custom images
* Kubelet now uses `containerd` as the container runtime, but
`docker.service` still starts when `docker.sock` is probed bc
the service is socket activated. Prevent this by masking the
`docker.service` unit
* Add `arch` variable to Flatcar Linux AWS `kubernetes` and
`workers` modules. Accept `amd64` (default) or `arm64` to support
native arm64/aarch64 clusters or mixed/hybrid clusters with arm64
* Requires `flannel` or `cilium` CNI
Similar to https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/pull/875
* Migrate from `docker-shim` to `containerd` in preparation
for Kubernetes v1.24.0 dropping `docker-shim` support
* Much consideration was given to the container runtime
choice. https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/issues/899
provides relevant rationales
* Allow Kubernetes Ingress resources to be probed via Blackbox
Exporter (if present) if annotated `prometheus.io/probe: "true"`
* Fix probes of Services via Blackbox Exporter. Require Blackbox
Exporter to be deployed in the same `monitoring` namespace, be
named `blackbox-exporter`, and use port 8080
* Set `prometheus.io/param` on a Kubernetes Service to scrape
the service endpoints and pass a custom query parameter
* For example, scrape Consul with `?format=prometheus`
kind: Service
prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'
prometheus.io/port: '8500'
prometheus.io/path: /v1/agent/metrics
prometheus.io/param: format=prometheus
* Terraform v1.1 changed the behavior of provisioners and
`remote-exec` in a way that breaks support for expansions
in commands (including file provisioner, where `destination`
is part of an `scp` command)
* Terraform will likely revert the change eventually, but I
suspect it will take a while
* Instead, we can stop relying on Terraform's expansion
behavior. `/home/core` is a suitable choice for `$HOME` on
both Flatcar Linux and Fedora CoreOS (harldink `/var/home/core`)
Rel: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/30243
* Both Flatcar Linux and Fedora CoreOS use systemd-resolved,
but they setup /etc/resolv.conf symlinks differently
* Prefer using /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf directly, which
also updates to reflect runtime changes (e.g. resolvectl)
* Change `enable_aggregation` default from false to true
* These days, Kubernetes control plane components emit annoying
messages related to assumptions baked into the Kubernetes API
Aggregation Layer if you don't enable it. Further the conformance
tests force you to remember to enable it if you care about passing
* This change is motivated by eliminating annoyances, rather than
any enthusiasm for Kubernetes' aggregation features
Rel: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/apiserver-aggregation/
* Mount both /etc/ssl/certs and /etc/pki into control plane static
pods and kube-proxy, rather than choosing one based a variable
(set based on Flatcar Linux or Fedora CoreOS)
* Remove deprecated `--port` from `kube-scheduler` static Pod
* Since v1.21.3 switched controllers default disk type from
`gp2` to `gp3`, an iops diff has been shown (harmless, but
* Controller nodes default to a 30GB `gp3` disk. `gp3` disks
do respect `iops` and the corresponding default is 3000
* Remove `/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd` mount since Flatcar Linux
uses cgroups v2
* Flatcar Linux's `docker` switched from the `cgroupfs` to
`systemd` driver without notice