* addon-resizer is outdated and has been dropped from
kube-state-metrics examples. Those using it should look
to the cluster-proportional-vertical-autoscaler.
* Eliminate addon-resizer log spew
* Remove associated Role and RoleBinding
* Also fix kube-state-metrics readinessProbe port
* Update Prometheus rules/alerts and Grafana dashboards
* Remove dashboards that were moved to node-exporter, they
may be added back later if valuable
* Remove kube-prometheus based rules/alerts (ClockSkew alert)
* Prometheus was configured to use kubernetes discovery
of etcd targets based on nodes matching the node label
* Kubernetes v1.16 stopped permitting node role labels
node-role.kubernetes.io/* so Typhoon renamed these labels
(no longer any association with roles) to
* As a result, Prometheus didn't discover etcd targets,
etcd metrics were missing, etcd alerts were ineffective,
and the etcd Grafana dashboard was empty
* Introduced: https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/pull/543
* This reverts commit 6e5d66cf666a2700ad3e540698a6e243651b96d9
* kube-state-metrics v1.6.0-rc.0 fires KubeDeploymentReplicasMismatch
alerts where its own Deployment doesn't have replicas available,
(kube_deployment_status_replicas_available) even though all replicas
are available according to kubectl inspection
* This problem was present even with the CSR ClusterRole fix
* Refresh rules and dashboards from upstreams
* Add new Kubernetes "workload" dashboards
* View pods in a workload (deployment/daemonset/statefulset)
* View workloads in a namespace
* Allow traffic from Grafana to Prometheus in monitoring
* Allow traffic from Prometheus to Prometheus in monitoring
* NetworkPolicy denies non-whitelisted traffic. Define policy
to allow other access
* Set resource requests and limits for Grafana and CLUO
* Set resource requests for Prometheus, but allow usage
to grow since needs vary widely
* Leave nginx without resource requests/limits for now,
its typically well behaved
* Collate upstream rules, alerts, and dashboards and tune for use
in Typhoon
* Previously, a well-chosen (but older) set of rules, alerts, and
dashboards were maintained to reflect metric name changes
* Prometheus queries from some upstreams use joins of node-exporter
and kube-state-metrics metrics by (namespace,pod). Add the Kubernetes
pod name to service endpoint metrics
* Rename the kubernetes_namespace field to namespace
* Honor labels since kube-state-metrics already include a `pod` field
that should not be overridden
* Kubelet uses a node's hostname as the node name, which isn't
resolvable on DigitalOcean. On DigitalOcean, the node name was
set to the internal IP until #337 switched to instead configuring
kube-apiserver to prefer the InternalIP for communication
* Explicitly configure etcd scrapes to target each controller by
internal IP and port 2381 (replace __address__)