* CoreOS Container Linux was deprecated in v1.18.3 (May 2020)
in favor of Fedora CoreOS and Flatcar Linux. CoreOS Container
Linux references were kept to give folks more time to migrate,
but AMIs have now been deleted. Time is up.
Rel: https://coreos.com/os/eol/
* Enable terraform-provider-ct `strict` mode for parsing
Container Linux Configs and snippets
* Fix Container Linux Config systemd unit syntax `enable`
(old) to `enabled`
* Align with Fedora CoreOS which uses strict mode already
* Rename Container Linux Config (CLC) files to *.yaml to align
with Fedora CoreOS Config (FCC) files and for syntax highlighting
* Replace common uses of Terraform `element` (which wraps around)
with `list[index]` syntax to surface index errors
* Rename render module from bootkube to bootstrap. Avoid
confusion with the kubernetes-incubator/bootkube tool since
it is no longer used
* Use the poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap Terraform module
(formerly poseidon/terraform-render-bootkube)
* https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootkube/pull/149
* terraform-provider-aws v2.23.0 allows AWS root block devices
to enable encryption by default.
* Require updating terraform-provider-aws to v2.23.0 or higher
* Enable root EBS device encryption by default for controller
instances and worker instances in auto-scaling groups
For comparison:
* Google Cloud persistent disks have been encrypted by
default for years
* Azure managed disk encryption is not ready yet (#486)
* For Container Linux or Flatcar Linux alpha/beta/stable,
continue using the `cgroupfs` driver
* For Fedora Atomic, continue using the `systemd` driver
* For Flatcar Linux Edge, use the `systemd` driver
* Replace v0.11 bracket type hints with Terraform v0.12 list expressions
* Use expression syntax instead of interpolated strings, where suggested
* Update AWS tutorial and worker pools documentation
* Define Terraform and plugin version requirements in versions.tf
* Require aws ~> 2.7 to support Terraform v0.12
* Require ct ~> 0.3.2 to support Terraform v0.12
* terraform-render-bootkube module deprecated kube_dns_service_ip
output in favor of cluster_dns_service_ip
* Rename k8s_dns_service_ip to cluster_dns_service_ip for
consistency too
* Kubelets can use a lower-privilege TLS client certificate with
Org system:nodes and a binding to the system:node ClusterRole
* Admin kubeconfig's continue to belong to Org system:masters to
provide cluster-admin (available in assets/auth/kubeconfig or as
a Terraform output kubeconfig-admin)
* Remove bare-metal output variable kubeconfig
* Updating the `terraform-provider-ct` plugin is known to produce
a `user_data` diff in all pre-existing clusters. Applying the
diff to pre-existing cluster destroys controller nodes
* Ignore changes to controller `user_data`. Once all managed
clusters use a release containing this change, it is possible
to update the `terraform-provider-ct` plugin (worker `user_data`
will still be modified)
* Changing the module `ref` for an existing cluster and
re-applying is still NOT supported (although this PR
would protect controllers from being destroyed)
* Replace os_channel variable with os_image to align naming
across clouds. Users who set this option to stable, beta, or
alpha should now set os_image to coreos-stable, coreos-beta,
or coreos-alpha.
* Default os_image to coreos-stable. This continues to use
the most recent image from the stable channel as always.
* Allow Container Linux derivative Flatcar Linux by setting
os_image to `flatcar-stable`, `flatcar-beta`, `flatcar-alpha`
* Change EBS volume type from `standard` ("prior generation)
to `gp2`. Prometheus alerts are tuned for SSDs
* Other platforms have fast enough disks by default
* AWS and Google Cloud make use of auto-scaling groups
and managed instance groups, respectively. As such, the
kubeconfig is already held in cloud user-data
* Controller instances are provisioned with a kubeconfig
from user-data. Its redundant to use a Terraform remote
file copy step for the kubeconfig.
* Introduce the ability to support Container Linux Config
"snippets" for controllers and workers on cloud platforms.
This allows end-users to customize hosts by providing Container
Linux configs that are additively merged into the base configs
defined by Typhoon. Config snippets are validated, merged, and
show any errors during `terraform plan`
* Example uses include adding systemd units, network configs,
mounts, files, raid arrays, or other disk provisioning features
provided by Container Linux Configs (using Ignition low-level)
* Requires terraform-provider-ct v0.2.1 plugin
* Allow groups of workers to be defined and joined to
a cluster (i.e. worker pools)
* Move worker resources into a Terraform submodule
* Output variables needed for passing to worker pools
* Add usage docs for AWS worker pools (advanced)
* Template terraform-render-bootkube's multi-line kubeconfig
output using the right indentation
* Add `kubeconfig` variable to google-cloud controllers and
workers Terraform submodules
* Remove `kubeconfig_*` variables from google-cloud controllers
and workers Terraform submodules
* Allow kube-dns to respond to DNS queries with a custom
suffix, instead of the default 'cluster.local'
* Useful when multiple clusters exist on the same local
network and wish to query services on one another
* Prometheus proxies through the apiserver to scrape kubelets
* In multi-controller setups, an apiserver must be able to scrape
kubelets (10250) on other controllers
* Change controllers ASG to heterogeneous EC2 instances
* Create DNS records for each controller's private IP for etcd
* Change etcd to run on-host, across controllers (etcd-member.service)
* Reduce time to bootstrap a cluster
* Deprecate self-hosted-etcd on the AWS platform