* Allow for more minimal base cluster setups, that manage CoreDNS or
kube-proxy as applications, with rolling updates, or deploy systems.
Or in the case of kube-proxy, its becoming more common to not install
it and instead use Cilium
* Add a `components` pass-through variable to configure pre-installed
components like kube-proxy and CoreDNS. These components can be
disabled (individually or together) to allow for managing components
with separate plan/apply processes or automations
* terraform-render-bootstrap manifest assets are now structured as
manifests/{coredns,kube-proxy,network} so adapt the controller
layout scripts accordingly
* This is similar to some changes in v1.29.2 that allowed for the
container networking provider manifests to be skipped
Related: https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/pull/1419, https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/pull/1421
* When `true`, the chosen container `networking` provider is installed during cluster bootstrap
* Set `false` to self-manage the container networking provider. This allows flannel, Calico, or Cilium
to be managed via Terraform (like any other Kubernetes resources). Nodes will be NotReady until you
apply the self-managed container networking provider. This may become the default in future.
* Cilium (v1.8) was added to Typhoon in v1.18.5 in June 2020
and its become more impressive since then. Its currently the
leading CNI provider choice.
* Calico has grown complex, has lots of CRDs, masks its
management complexity with an operator (which we won't use),
doesn't provide multi-arch images, and hasn't been compatible
with Kubernetes v1.23 (with ipvs) for several releases.
* Both have CNCF conformance quirks (flannel used for conformance),
but that's not the main factor in choosing the default
* Use the official Kinvolk Flatcar Linux image on Google Cloud
* Change `os_image` from a custom image name to `flatcar-stable`
(default), `flatcar-beta`, or `flatcar-alpha` (**action required**)
* Change `os_image` from a required to an optional variable
* Promote Typhoon on Flatcar Linux / Google Cloud to stable
* Remove docs about needing to upload a Flatcar Linux image
manually on Google Cloud and drop support for custom images
* Change `enable_aggregation` default from false to true
* These days, Kubernetes control plane components emit annoying
messages related to assumptions baked into the Kubernetes API
Aggregation Layer if you don't enable it. Further the conformance
tests force you to remember to enable it if you care about passing
* This change is motivated by eliminating annoyances, rather than
any enthusiasm for Kubernetes' aggregation features
Rel: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/apiserver-aggregation/
* Add `node_taints` variable to worker modules to set custom
initial node taints on cloud platforms that support auto-scaling
worker pools of heterogeneous nodes (i.e. AWS, Azure, GCP)
* Worker pools could use custom `node_labels` to allowed workloads
to select among differentiated nodes, while custom `node_taints`
allows a worker pool's nodes to be tainted as special to prevent
scheduling, except by workloads that explicitly tolerate the
* Expose `daemonset_tolerations` in AWS, Azure, and GCP kubernetes
cluster modules, to determine whether `kube-system` components
should tolerate the custom taint (advanced use covered in docs)
Rel: #550, #663Closes#429
* CoreOS Container Linux was deprecated in v1.18.3
* Continue transitioning docs and modules from supporting
both CoreOS and Flatcar "variants" of Container Linux to
now supporting Flatcar Linux and equivalents
Action Required: Update the Flatcar Linux modules `source`
to replace `s/container-linux/flatcar-linux`. See docs for