* Review variables available in Azure kubernetes and workers
modules and sync with documentation
* Fix internal workers module default type to Standard_DS1_v2
* Review variables available in AWS kubernetes and workers
modules and documentation
* Switching between spot and on-demand has worked since
Terraform v0.12
* Generally, there are too many knobs. Less useful ones
should be de-emphasized or removed
* Remove `cluster_domain_suffix` documentation
* Document worker pools `node_labels` variable to set the
initial node labels for a homogeneous set of workers
* Document `worker_node_labels` convenience variable to
set the initial node labels for default worker nodes
* Drop `node-role.kubernetes.io/master` and
`node-role.kubernetes.io/node` node labels
* Kubelet (v1.16) now rejects the node labels used
in the kubectl get nodes ROLES output
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/75457
* Change default controller_type to Standard_B2s. A B2s is cheaper
by $17/month and provides 2 vCPU, 4GB RAM (vs 1 vCPU, 3.5GB RAM)
* Change default worker_type to Standard_DS1_v2. F1 was the previous
generation. The DS1_v2 is newer, similar cost, more memory, and still
supports Low Priority mode, if desired
* Use unique dashboard ID so that multiple replicas of Grafana
serve dashboards with uniform paths
* Fix issue where refreshing a dashboard served by one replica
could show a 404 unless the request went to the same replica
* terraform-provider-aws v2.23.0 allows AWS root block devices
to enable encryption by default.
* Require updating terraform-provider-aws to v2.23.0 or higher
* Enable root EBS device encryption by default for controller
instances and worker instances in auto-scaling groups
For comparison:
* Google Cloud persistent disks have been encrypted by
default for years
* Azure managed disk encryption is not ready yet (#486)
* Add a CoreDNS dashboard originally based on an upstream dashboard,
but now customized according to preferences
* Add an Nginx Ingress Controller based on an upstream dashboard,
but customized according to preferences
* Add all Azure controllers to the apiserver load balancer
backend address pool
* Previously, kube-apiserver availability relied on the 0th
controller being up. Multi-controller was just providing etcd
data redundancy
* Allow updating terraform-provider-ct to any release
beyond v0.3.2, but below v1.0. This relaxes the prior
constraint that allowed only v0.3.y provider versions
* Run kube-apiserver as a non-root user (nobody). User
no longer needs to bind low number ports.
* On most platforms, the kube-apiserver load balancer listens
on 6443 and fronts controllers with kube-apiserver pods using
port 6443. Google Cloud TCP proxy load balancers cannot listen
on 6443. However, GCP's load balancer can be made to listen on
443, while kube-apiserver uses 6443 across all platforms.
* Fix a GCP errata item https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/wiki/Errata
* Removal of a Google Cloud cluster often required 2 runs of
`terraform apply` because network resource deletes timeout
after 4m. Raise the network deletion timeout to 6m to
ensure apply only needs to be run once to remove a cluster