* Change Google Cloud module to require the `region` variable
* Workers are created in random zones within the given region
* Tolerate Google Cloud zone failures or capacity issues
* If workers are preempted (if enabled), replacement instances can
be drawn from any zone in the region, which should avoid scheduling
issues that were possible before if a single zone aggressively
preempts instances (presumably due to Google Cloud capacity)
* Kubernetes v1.8.2 fixes a memory leak in the v1.8.1 apiserver
* Switch to using the `gcr.io/google_containers/hyperkube` for the
on-host kubelet and shutdown drains
* Update terraform-render-bootkube manifests generation
* Update flannel from v0.8.0 to v0.9.0
* Add `hairpinMode` to flannel CNI config
* Add `--no-negcache` to kube-dns dnsmasq
* Run etcd peers with TLS across controller nodes
* Deprecate self-hosted-etcd on the Digital Ocean platform
* Distribute etcd TLS certificates as part of initial provisioning
* Check the status of etcd by running `systemctl status etcd-member`