* Review variables available in bare-metal kubernetes modules
for Container Linux and Fedora CoreOS
* Deprecate cluster_domain_suffix variable
* Remove deprecated container_linux_oem variable
* Prometheus was configured to use kubernetes discovery
of etcd targets based on nodes matching the node label
* Kubernetes v1.16 stopped permitting node role labels
node-role.kubernetes.io/* so Typhoon renamed these labels
(no longer any association with roles) to
* As a result, Prometheus didn't discover etcd targets,
etcd metrics were missing, etcd alerts were ineffective,
and the etcd Grafana dashboard was empty
* Introduced: https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/pull/543
* Review variables available in DigitalOcean kubernetes
module and sync with documentation
* Promote Calico for DigitalOcean and Azure beyond experimental
(its the primary mode I've used since it was introduced)
* Review variables available in Azure kubernetes and workers
modules and sync with documentation
* Fix internal workers module default type to Standard_DS1_v2
* Review variables available in AWS kubernetes and workers
modules and documentation
* Switching between spot and on-demand has worked since
Terraform v0.12
* Generally, there are too many knobs. Less useful ones
should be de-emphasized or removed
* Remove `cluster_domain_suffix` documentation
* Document worker pools `node_labels` variable to set the
initial node labels for a homogeneous set of workers
* Document `worker_node_labels` convenience variable to
set the initial node labels for default worker nodes
* Fix issue (present since bootkube->bootstrap switch) where
controller asset copy could fail if /etc/kubernetes/manifests
wasn't created in time on platforms using path activation for
the Kubelet (observed on DigitalOcean, also possible on
* Drop `node-role.kubernetes.io/master` and
`node-role.kubernetes.io/node` node labels
* Kubelet (v1.16) now rejects the node labels used
in the kubectl get nodes ROLES output
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/75457
* Rename render module from bootkube to bootstrap. Avoid
confusion with the kubernetes-incubator/bootkube tool since
it is no longer used
* Use the poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap Terraform module
(formerly poseidon/terraform-render-bootkube)
* https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootkube/pull/149
* Run a kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager
static pod on each controller node. Previously, kube-apiserver was
self-hosted as a DaemonSet across controllers and kube-scheduler
and kube-controller-manager were a Deployment (with 2 or
controller_count many replicas).
* Remove bootkube bootstrap and pivot to self-hosted
* Remove pod-checkpointer manifests (no longer needed)
* Run a kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager
static pod on each controller node. Previously, kube-apiserver was
self-hosted as a DaemonSet across controllers and kube-scheduler
and kube-controller-manager were a Deployment (with 2 or
controller_count many replicas).
* Remove bootkube bootstrap and pivot to self-hosted
* Remove pod-checkpointer manifests (no longer needed)
* Run a kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager
static pod on each controller node. Previously, kube-apiserver was
self-hosted as a DaemonSet across controllers and kube-scheduler
and kube-controller-manager were a Deployment (with 2 or
controller_count many replicas).
* Remove bootkube bootstrap and pivot to self-hosted
* Remove pod-checkpointer manifests (no longer needed)
* Run a kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager
static pod on each controller node. Previously, kube-apiserver was
self-hosted as a DaemonSet across controllers and kube-scheduler
and kube-controller-manager were a Deployment (with 2 or
controller_count many replicas).
* Remove bootkube bootstrap and pivot to self-hosted
* Remove pod-checkpointer manifests (no longer needed)
* Run a kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager
static pod on each controller node. Previously, kube-apiserver was
self-hosted as a DaemonSet across controllers and kube-scheduler
and kube-controller-manager were a Deployment (with 2 or
controller_count many replicas).
* Remove bootkube bootstrap and pivot to self-hosted
* Remove pod-checkpointer manifests (no longer needed)
* Change default controller_type to Standard_B2s. A B2s is cheaper
by $17/month and provides 2 vCPU, 4GB RAM (vs 1 vCPU, 3.5GB RAM)
* Change default worker_type to Standard_DS1_v2. F1 was the previous
generation. The DS1_v2 is newer, similar cost, more memory, and still
supports Low Priority mode, if desired
* Use unique dashboard ID so that multiple replicas of Grafana
serve dashboards with uniform paths
* Fix issue where refreshing a dashboard served by one replica
could show a 404 unless the request went to the same replica