* Updating the `terraform-provider-ct` plugin is known to produce
a `user_data` diff in all pre-existing clusters. Applying the
diff to pre-existing cluster destroys controller nodes
* Ignore changes to controller `user_data`. Once all managed
clusters use a release containing this change, it is possible
to update the `terraform-provider-ct` plugin (worker `user_data`
will still be modified)
* Changing the module `ref` for an existing cluster and
re-applying is still NOT supported (although this PR
would protect controllers from being destroyed)
* Allowing serving IPv6 applications via Kubernetes Ingress
on Typhoon Google Cloud clusters
* Add `ingress_static_ipv6` output variable for use in AAAA
DNS records
* Improve the workers "round-robin" DNS FQDN that is created
with each cluster by adding AAAA records
* CNAME's resolving to the DigitalOcean `workers_dns` output
can be followed to find a droplet's IPv4 or IPv6 address
* The CNI portmap plugin doesn't support IPv6. Hosting IPv6
apps is possible, but requires editing the nginx-ingress
addon with `hostNetwork: true`
* Heapster can now get nodes (i.e. kubelets) from the apiserver and
source metrics from the Kubelet authenticated API (10250) instead of
the Kubelet HTTP read-only API (10255)
* https://github.com/kubernetes/heapster/blob/master/docs/source-configuration.md
* Use the heapster service account token via Kubelet bearer token
* Permit Heapster to skip CA verification. The CA cert does not contain
IP SANs and cannot since nodes get random IPs that aren't known upfront.
Heapster obtains the node list from the apiserver, so the risk of
spoofing a node is limited. For the same reason, Prometheus scrapes
must skip CA verification for scraping Kubelet's provided by the apiserver.
* https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/blob/v1.12.1/addons/prometheus/config.yaml#L68
* Create a heapster ClusterRole to work around the default Kubernetes
`system:heapster` ClusterRole lacking the proper GET `nodes/stats`
access. See https://github.com/kubernetes/heapster/issues/1936
* Support bare-metal cached_install=true mode with Flatcar Linux
where assets are fetched from the Matchbox assets cache instead
of from the upstream Flatcar download server
* Skipped in original Flatcar support to keep it simple
* Run at least two replicas of CoreDNS to better support
rolling updates (previously, kube-dns had a pod nanny)
* On multi-master clusters, set the CoreDNS replica count
to match the number of masters (e.g. a 3-master cluster
previously used replicas:1, now replicas:3)
* Add AntiAffinity preferred rule to favor distributing
CoreDNS pods across controller nodes nodes
* Continue to ensure scheduler and controller-manager run
at least two replicas to support performing kubectl edits
on single-master clusters (no change)
* For multi-master clusters, set scheduler / controller-manager
replica count to the number of masters (e.g. a 3-master cluster
previously used replicas:2, now replicas:3)
* Require a terraform-provider-digitalocean plugin version of
1.0 or higher within the same major version (e.g. allow 1.1 but
not 2.0)
* Change requirement from ~> 0.1.2 (which allowed up to but not
including 1.0 release)
* If using --enable-ssl-passthrough or exposing TCP/UDP services,
be aware of https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/pull/3038
* Workarounds until the fix merges are to stay on 0.17.1, use the
suggested development image, or revert to securityContext
`runAsNonRoot: false` for a while (less secure)
* Add new bird and felix readiness checks
* Read MTU from ConfigMap veth_mtu
* Add RBAC read for serviceaccounts
* Remove invalid description from CRDs
* Broaden internal-etcd firewall rule to allow etcd client
traffic (2379) from other controller nodes
* Previously, kube-apiservers were only able to connect to their
node's local etcd peer. While master node outages were tolerated,
reaching a healthy peer took longer than neccessary in some cases
* Reduce time needed to bootstrap a cluster
* Remove controller_networkds and worker_networkds variables. These
variables were always listed as experimental, unsupported, and excluded
from documentation in anticipation of Container Linux Config snippets
* Use Container Linux Config snippets on bare-metal instead. They
provide safer, more powerful, and more elegant host customization
* Release v1.11.1 erroneously left Fedora Atomic clusters using
the v1.11.0 Kubelet. The rest of the control plane ran v1.11.1
as expected
* Update Kubelet from v1.11.0 to v1.11.1 so Fedora Atomic matches
Container Linux
* Container Linux modules were not affected