277 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Dalton Hubble
76d92e9c2d Change podman log-driver from journald to k8s-file
* When podman runs the Kubelet container, logging to journald means
log lines are duplicated in the journal. journalctl -u kubelet shows
Kubelet's logs and the same log messages from podman. Using the
k8s-file driver alleviates this problem
* Fix Kubelet and etcd-member logs to be more readable and reduce
unneccessary Kubelet log volume
2022-08-27 17:15:22 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
275fc0f9e8 Disable LocalStorageCapacityIsolationFSQuotaMonitoring feature
* Kubernetes v1.25.0 moved the LocalStorageCapacityIsolationFSQuotaMonitoring
feature from alpha to beta, but it breaks Kubelet updating ConfigMaps in
Pods, as shown by conformance tests
* Kubernetes is rolling LocalStorageCapacityIsolationFSQuotaMonitoring back
to alpha so its not enabled by default, but that will require a release
* Disable the feature gate directly as a workaround for now to make
Kubernetes v1.25.0 usable

FailedMount: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "configmap-volume" : requesting quota on existing directory /var/lib/kubelet/pods/f09fae17-ff16-4a05-aab3-7b897cb5b732/volumes/kubernetes.io~configmap/configmap-volume but different pod 673ad247-abf0-434e-99eb-1c3f57d7fdaa a4568e94-2b2d-438f-a4bd-c9edc814e478


* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112076
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/107329
2022-08-27 09:49:35 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
3fb59a3289 Migrate most Kubelet flags to KubeletConfiguration file
* Add a KubeletConfiguration file to replace most Kubelet
flags, to prepare for upcoming changes
* Pass Kubelet the --config flag to specify the location of
the KubeletConfiguration
* Remove flsgs / configuration where it matches the defaults
  * Remove --cgroups-per-qos, defaults to true
  * Remove --container-runtime, defaults to remote
  * Remove enforce-node-allocatable=pods, defaults to pods


* https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kubelet/
* https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/config-api/kubelet-config.v1beta1/
2022-08-27 09:28:15 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
a31dbceac6 Update Kubernetes from v1.24.4 to v1.25.0
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.25.md
2022-08-25 09:18:14 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
760b4cd5ee Update Kubernetes from v1.24.3 to v1.24.4
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.24.md#v1244
2022-08-17 20:09:30 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
fcd8ff2b17 Update Cilium from v1.12.0 to v1.12.1
* https://github.com/cilium/cilium/releases/tag/v1.12.1
2022-08-17 08:53:56 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
52427a4271 Refresh instances in autoscaling group when launch configuration changes
* Changes to worker launch configurations start an autoscaling group instance
refresh to replace instances
* Instance refresh creates surge instances, waits for a warm-up period, then
deletes old instances
* Changing worker_type, disk_*, worker_price, worker_target_groups, or Butane
worker_snippets on existing worker nodes will replace instances
* New AMIs or changing `os_stream` will be ignored, to allow Fedora CoreOS or
Flatcar Linux to keep themselves updated
* Previously, new launch configurations were made in the same way, but not
applied to instances unless manually replaced
2022-08-14 21:43:49 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
6facfca4ed Switch Kubernetes image registry from k8s.gcr.io to registry.k8s.io
* Announce: https://groups.google.com/g/kubernetes-sig-testing/c/U7b_im9vRrM

Rel: https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap/pull/319
2022-08-13 16:16:21 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
ed8c6a5aeb Upgrade CoreDNS from v1.8.5 to v1.9.3
Rel: https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap/pull/318
2022-08-13 15:43:03 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
e5d0e2d48b Rename Fedora CoreOS fcc directory to butane
* Align both Fedora CoreOS and Flatcar Linux keeping Butane
Configs in a directory called butane
2022-08-10 09:10:18 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
87a8278c9d Improve AWS autoscaling group and launch config names
* Rename launch configuration to use a name_prefix named after the
cluster and worker to improve identifiability
* Shorten AWS autoscaling group name to not include the launch config
id. Years ago this used to be needed to update the ASG but the AWS
provider detects changes to the launch configuration just fine
2022-08-08 20:46:08 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
93b7f2554e Remove ineffective iptables-legacy.stamp
* Typhoon Fedora CoreOS is already using iptables nf_tables since
F36. The file to pin to legacy iptables was renamed to
2022-08-08 20:27:21 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
62d47ad3f0 Update Cilium from v1.11.7 to v1.12.0
* https://github.com/cilium/cilium/releases/tag/v1.12.0
2022-08-08 19:59:03 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
256b87812e Remove Terraform template provider dependency
* Use Terraform builtin templatefile functionality
* Remove dependency on deprecated Terraform template provider


* https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/template/2.2.0
* https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap/pull/293
2022-08-02 18:15:03 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
c6794f1007 Update Calico from v3.23.1 to v3.23.3
* https://github.com/projectcalico/calico/releases/tag/v3.23.3
2022-07-30 18:15:33 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
f42b45451b Update Cilium from v1.11.6 to v1.11.7
* https://github.com/cilium/cilium/releases/tag/v1.11.7
2022-07-19 09:06:15 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
0db5f86110 Update Kubernetes from v1.24.2 to v1.24.3
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.24.md#v1243
2022-07-13 20:59:15 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
8398182956 Update Cilium and Calico CNI providers
* Update Cilium from v1.11.5 to v1.11.6
* Update Calico from v3.22.2 to v3.23.1
2022-06-18 19:29:01 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
6d6b48b201 Update Kubernetes from v1.24.1 to v1.24.2
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.24.md#v1242
2022-06-18 18:35:42 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
b8549a1e32 Update Cilium from v1.11.4 to v1.11.5
* https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap/pull/309
2022-05-31 15:23:07 +01:00
Dalton Hubble
c5573199db Update Kubernetes from v1.24.0 to v1.24.1
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.24.md#v1241
2022-05-28 09:39:14 +01:00
Dalton Hubble
b0e0b132e4 Update Kubernetes from v1.23.6 to v1.24.0
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.24.md#v1240
2022-05-04 08:27:14 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
91b38bf3fd Update etcd from v3.5.2 to v3.5.4
* https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/releases/tag/v3.5.4
2022-04-27 20:57:02 -07:00
James Harmison
9a4887d028 Add bind mounts for selinux to fcos kubelets
fixes #1123

Enables the use of CSI drivers with a StorageClass that lacks an explicit context mount option. In cases where the kubelet lacks mounts for `/etc/selinux` and `/sys/fs/selinux`, it is unable to set the `:Z` option for the CRI volume definition automatically. See [KEP 1710](https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/master/keps/sig-storage/1710-selinux-relabeling/README.md#volume-mounting) for more information on how SELinux is passed to the CRI by Kubelet.

Prior to this change, a not-explicitly-labelled mount would have an `unlabeled_t` SELinux type on the host. Following this change, the Kubelet and CRI work together to dynamically relabel mounts that lack an explicit context specification every time it is rebound to a pod with SELinux type `container_file_t` and appropriate context labels to match the specifics for the pod it is bound to. This enables applications running in containers to consume dynamically provisioned storage on SELinux enforcing systems without explicitly setting the context on the StorageClass or PersistentVolume.
2022-04-26 21:33:26 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
d7f55c4e46 Remove use of deprecated key_algorithm field in TLS assets
* Fixes warning about use of deprecated field `key_algorithm` in
the `hashicorp/tls` provider. The key algorithm can now be inferred
directly from the private key so resources don't have to output
and pass around the algorithm
2022-04-20 19:52:03 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
80c6e2e7e6 Update Kubernetes from v1.23.5 to v1.23.6
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md#v1236
2022-04-20 19:39:05 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
2f7d2a92e0 Update Cilium and Calico CNI providers
* Update Cilium from v1.11.3 to v1.11.4
* Update Calico from v3.22.1 to v3.22.2
2022-04-19 08:28:52 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
2df1873b7f Update Cilium from v1.11.2 to v1.11.3
* https://github.com/cilium/cilium/releases/tag/v1.11.3
2022-04-01 16:44:30 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
5365ce8204 Mount /etc/machine-id from host into Kubelet
* Kubelet node's System UUID can be detected from the sysfs
filesystem without a host mount, but if you need to distinguish
between the host's machine-id and SystemUUID
* On cloud platforms, MachineID and SystemUUID are identical,
but on bare-metal the two differ
2022-04-01 16:32:06 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
e61d4b92da Update Kubernetes from v1.23.4 to v1.23.5
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md#v1235
2022-03-16 21:01:41 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
69770b4827 Update Calico from v3.21.2 to v3.22.1
* https://github.com/projectcalico/calico/releases/tag/v3.22.1
* Fix https://github.com/projectcalico/calico/issues/5011
2022-03-11 11:22:29 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
f797f97675 Update Cilium from v1.11.1 to v1.11.2
* https://github.com/cilium/cilium/releases/tag/v1.11.2
2022-03-11 10:08:24 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
9aa99f1996 Allow upgrading AWS Terraform provider to v4.x
* https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/releases/tag/v4.0.0
2022-02-17 09:35:15 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
fc38ba45b1 Update Kubernetes from v1.23.3 to v1.23.4
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md#v1234
2022-02-17 09:00:31 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
6c70d06937 Update etcd from v3.5.1 to v3.5.2
* https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/releases/tag/v3.5.2
2022-02-07 08:10:17 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
cf4beeba34 Change default CNI provider from Calico to Cilium
* Cilium (v1.8) was added to Typhoon in v1.18.5 in June 2020
and its become more impressive since then. Its currently the
leading CNI provider choice.
* Calico has grown complex, has lots of CRDs, masks its
management complexity with an operator (which we won't use),
doesn't provide multi-arch images, and hasn't been compatible
with Kubernetes v1.23 (with ipvs) for several releases.
* Both have CNCF conformance quirks (flannel used for conformance),
but that's not the main factor in choosing the default
2022-02-07 08:07:00 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
a527f73f5a Update Kubernetes from v1.23.2 to v1.23.3
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md#v1233
2022-01-27 09:23:37 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
e274a451ff Update Kubernetes from v1.23.1 to v1.23.2
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md#v1232
2022-01-19 17:59:49 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
2265ab5375 Remove Kubelet --network-plugin=cni flag
* Now that `docker-shim` is no longer used, the Kubelet flag
is no longer needed and will be removed in v1.24
2022-01-14 10:43:07 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
08ea9776f3 Mask docker.service to prevent socket activation
* Kubelet now uses `containerd` as the container runtime, but
`docker.service` still starts when `docker.sock` is probed bc
the service is socket activated. Prevent this by masking the
`docker.service` unit
2022-01-14 10:31:47 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
2e8bc99164 Remove template provider usage from terraform-render-bootstrap 2022-01-14 10:27:24 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
b18b0a9f3d Remove unused ETCD_UNSUPPORTED_ARCH variable
* etcd used to require a special variable to use the arm64
container image, but this is no longer required
2022-01-14 10:25:45 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
f544a9c71f Switch Fedora CoreOS from docker-shim to containerd
* Migrate from `docker-shim` to `containerd` in preparation
for Kubernetes v1.24.0 dropping `docker-shim` support
* Much consideration was given to the container runtime
choice. https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/issues/899
provides relevant rationales
2022-01-13 09:17:29 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
6ed048eb65 Workaround Terraform v1.1 file provisioner regression
* Terraform v1.1 changed the behavior of provisioners and
`remote-exec` in a way that breaks support for expansions
in commands (including file provisioner, where `destination`
is part of an `scp` command)
* Terraform will likely revert the change eventually, but I
suspect it will take a while
* Instead, we can stop relying on Terraform's expansion
behavior. `/home/core` is a suitable choice for `$HOME` on
both Flatcar Linux and Fedora CoreOS (harldink `/var/home/core`)

Rel: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/30243
2021-12-28 13:25:23 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
9e3807798f Update Kubernetes from v1.23.0 to v1.23.1
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md#v1231
2021-12-20 08:36:19 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
125008fbb3 Update Cilium from v1.10.5 to v1.11.0
* https://github.com/cilium/cilium/releases/tag/v1.11.0
2021-12-10 11:26:05 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
136107b448 Set Kubelet resolver config to /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf
* Both Flatcar Linux and Fedora CoreOS use systemd-resolved,
but they setup /etc/resolv.conf symlinks differently
* Prefer using /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf directly, which
also updates to reflect runtime changes (e.g. resolvectl)
2021-12-10 08:22:30 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
e97c1cc9e5 Enable Kubernetes aggregation by default
* Change `enable_aggregation` default from false to true
* These days, Kubernetes control plane components emit annoying
messages related to assumptions baked into the Kubernetes API
Aggregation Layer if you don't enable it. Further the conformance
tests force you to remember to enable it if you care about passing
* This change is motivated by eliminating annoyances, rather than
any enthusiasm for Kubernetes' aggregation features

Rel: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/apiserver-aggregation/
2021-12-09 17:30:35 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
41f739891b Normalize CA certs mounts in static Pods and kube-proxy
* Mount both /etc/ssl/certs and /etc/pki into control plane static
pods and kube-proxy, rather than choosing one based a variable
(set based on Flatcar Linux or Fedora CoreOS)
* Remove deprecated `--port` from `kube-scheduler` static Pod
2021-12-09 09:56:37 -08:00
Dalton Hubble
861021ee98 Update Kubernetes from v1.22.4 to v1.23.0
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md#v1230
* With Calico, add missing caliconodestatuses CRD added in v3.21.0
2021-12-09 09:28:41 -08:00