* On FCOS 34 / systemd 248, `kubelet.path` won't activate (stuck
waiting) when `/etc/kubernetes/kubeconfig` exists, even with
manual prodding of the file. The root cause isn't known, but
a workaround is to delay `/etc/kubernetes` directory creation
or to touch the directory later
* Fix DigitalOcean worker node kubelet.service being enabled
immediately. On bare-metal and DigitalOcean, the kubeconfig
should activate the Kubelet, so it doesn't crashloop needlessly
(nice to have, not required)
* Fedora CoreOS is beginning to switch from cgroups v1 to
cgroups v2 by default, which changes the sysfs hierarchy
* This will be needed when using a Fedora Coreos OS image
that enables cgroups v2 (`next` stream as of this writing)
Rel: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/292
* Flatcar Linux has not published an Edge channel image since
April 2020 and recently removed mention of the channel from
their documentation https://github.com/kinvolk/Flatcar/pull/345
* Users of Flatcar Linux Edge should move to the stable, beta, or
alpha channel, barring any alternate advice from upstream Flatcar
* Remove Kubelet `/etc/iscsi` and `iscsiadm` host mounts that
were added on bare-metal, since these no longer work on either
Fedora CoreOS or Flatcar Linux with newer `iscsiadm`
* These special mounts on bare-metal date back to #350 which
added them to provide a way to use iSCSI in Kubernetes v1.10
* Today, storage should be handled by external CSI providers
which handle different storage systems, which doesn't rely
on Kubelet storage utils
* Change control plane static pods to mount `/etc/kubernetes/pki`,
instead of `/etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-secrets` to better reflect
their purpose and match some loose conventions upstream
* Place control plane and bootstrap TLS assets and kubeconfig's
in `/etc/kubernetes/pki`
* Mount to `/etc/kubernetes/pki` (rather than `/etc/kubernetes/secrets`)
to match the host location (less surprise)
Rel: https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap/pull/233
* Generate TLS client certificates for `kube-scheduler` and
`kube-controller-manager` with `system:kube-scheduler` and
`system:kube-controller-manager` CNs
* Template separate kubeconfigs for kube-scheduler and
kube-controller manager (`scheduler.conf` and
`controller-manager.conf`). Rename admin for clarity
* Before v1.16.0, Typhoon scheduled a self-hosted control
plane, which allowed the steady-state kube-scheduler and
kube-controller-manager to use a scoped ServiceAccount.
With a static pod control plane, separate CN TLS client
certificates are the nearest equiv.
* https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/best-practices/certificates/
* Remove unused Kubelet certificate, TLS bootstrap is used
* Allow terraform-provider-ct versions v0.6+ (e.g. v0.7.1)
Before, only v0.6.x point updates were allowed
* Update terraform-provider-ct to v0.7.1 in docs
* READ the docs before updating terraform-provider-ct,
as changing worker user-data is handled differently
by different cloud platforms