* AWS and Google Cloud make use of auto-scaling groups
and managed instance groups, respectively. As such, the
kubeconfig is already held in cloud user-data
* Controller instances are provisioned with a kubeconfig
from user-data. Its redundant to use a Terraform remote
file copy step for the kubeconfig.
* Require the controller module to be completed before starting
to remote exec bootkube start, otherwise its possible the controller
nodes were created, but not the network load balancer
* Change controllers from a managed group to individual instances
* Create discrete DNS records to each controller's private IP for etcd
* Change etcd to run on-host, across controllers (etcd-member.service)
* Reduce time to bootstrap a cluster
* Deprecate self-hosted-etcd on the Google Cloud platform
* Remove k8s_domain_name input variable, the controller DNS
record will be "${var.cluster_name}.${dns_zone}"
* Rename dns_base_zone to dns_zone
* Rename dns_base_zone_name to dns_zone_name