* Remove node label `node.kubernetes.io/master` from controller nodes
* Use `node.kubernetes.io/controller` (present since v1.9.5,
[#160](https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/pull/160)) to node select controllers
* Rename controller NoSchedule taint from `node-role.kubernetes.io/master` to
* Tolerate the new taint name for workloads that may run on controller nodes
and stop tolerating `node-role.kubernetes.io/master` taint
* Kubelet `--lock-file` and `--exit-on-lock-contention` date
back to usage of bootkube and at one point running Kubelet
in a "self-hosted" style whereby an on-host Kubelet (rkt)
started pods, but then a Kubelet DaemonSet was scheduled
and able to take over (hence self-hosted). `lock-file` and
`exit-on-lock-contention` flags supported this pivot. The
pattern has been out of favor (in bootkube too) for years
because of dueling Kubelet complexity
* Typhoon runs Kubelet as a container via an on-host systemd
unit using podman (Fedora CoreOS) or rkt (Flatcar Linux). In
fact, Typhoon no longer uses bootkube or control plane pivot
(let alone Kubelet pivot) and uses static pods since v1.16.0
* https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/pull/536
* Generated Kubelet TLS certificate and key are not longer
used or distributed to machines since Kubelet TLS bootstrap
is used instead. Remove the certificate and key from state
* Enable terraform-provider-ct `strict` mode for parsing
Container Linux Configs and snippets
* Fix Container Linux Config systemd unit syntax `enable`
(old) to `enabled`
* Align with Fedora CoreOS which uses strict mode already
* Build Kubelet container images internally and publish
to Quay and Dockerhub (new) as an alternative in case of
registry outage or breach
* Use our infra to provide single and multi-arch (default)
Kublet images for possible future use
* Docs: Show how to use alternative Kubelet images via
snippets and a systemd dropin (builds on #737)
* Update docs with changes to Kubelet image building
* If you prefer to trust images built by Quay/Dockerhub,
automated image builds are still available with unique
tags (albeit with some limitations):
* Quay automated builds are tagged `build-{short_sha}`
(limit: only amd64)
* Dockerhub automated builts are tagged `build-{tag}`
and `build-master` (limit: only amd64, no shas)
* Kubelet: https://github.com/poseidon/kubelet
* Docs: https://typhoon.psdn.io/topics/security/#container-images
* Registries:
* quay.io/poseidon/kubelet
* docker.io/psdn/kubelet
* Create a stricter bug report template
* Highlight topics that are not accepted in issues: operation, support, debugging, advice, or Kubernetes concepts
* Add a section to strongly suggest bug reports link a PR or describe a solution. This may be able to weed out topics that aren't focused bug reports
* Promote DigitalOcean from alpha to beta for Fedora
CoreOS and Flatcar Linux
* Upgrade mkdocs-material and PyPI packages for docs
* Replace docs mentions of Container Linux with Flatcar
Linux and move docs/cl to docs/flatcar-linux
* Deprecate CoreOS Container Linux support. Its still
usable for some time, but start removing docs
* Write the systemd kubelet.service to use `KUBELET_IMAGE`
as the Kubelet. This provides a nice way to use systemd
dropins to temporarily override the image (e.g. during a
registry outage)
Note: Only Typhoon Kubelet images and registries are supported.
* With Fedora CoreOS image stream support (#727), the latest
resolved image will change over the lifecycle of a cluster.
* Fix issue where an image diff proposed replacing a Fedora
CoreOS controller on GCP, introduced in #727 (unreleased)
* Also ignore image diffs to the GCP managed instance group
of workers. This aligns with worker AMI diffs being ignored
on AWS and similar on Azure, since workers update themselves.
* Controller nodes should strictly not be recreated by Terraform,
they are stateful (etcd) and should not be replaced
* Across cloud platforms, OS image diffs are ignored since both
Flatcar Linux and Fedora CoreOS nodes update themselves. For
workers, user-data or disk size diffs (where relevant) are allowed
to recreate workers templates/configs since these are considered
to be user-initiated declarations that a reprovision should be done
* Set a consistent MCS level/range for Calico install-cni
* Note: Rebooting a node was a workaround, because Kubelet
relabels /etc/kubernetes(/cni/net.d)
* On SELinux enforcing systems, the Calico CNI install-cni
container ran with default SELinux context and a random MCS
pair. install-cni places CNI configs by first creating a
temporary file and then moving them into place, which means
the file MCS categories depend on the containers SELinux
* calico-node Pod restarts creates a new install-cni container
with a different MCS pair that cannot access the earlier
written file (it places configs every time), causing the
init container to error and calico-node to crash loop
* https://github.com/projectcalico/cni-plugin/issues/874
mv: inter-device move failed: '/calico.conf.tmp' to
'/host/etc/cni/net.d/10-calico.conflist'; unable to remove target:
Permission denied
Failed to mv files. This may be caused by selinux configuration on
host, or something else.
Note, this isn't a host SELinux configuration issue.
* https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap/pull/186