* Define firewall rules on DigitialOcean to match rules used on AWS,
GCP, and Azure
* Output `controller_tag` and `worker_tag` to simplify custom firewall
rule creation
* Use a single admin kubeconfig for initial bootkube bootstrap
and for use by a human admin. Previously, an admin kubeconfig
without a named context was used for bootstrap and direct usage
with KUBECONFIG=path, while one with a named context was used
for `kubectl config use-context` style usage. Confusing.
* Provide the admin kubeconfig via `assets/auth/kubeconfig`,
`assets/auth/CLUSTER-config`, or output `kubeconfig-admin`
* Improve the workers "round-robin" DNS FQDN that is created
with each cluster by adding AAAA records
* CNAME's resolving to the DigitalOcean `workers_dns` output
can be followed to find a droplet's IPv4 or IPv6 address
* The CNI portmap plugin doesn't support IPv6. Hosting IPv6
apps is possible, but requires editing the nginx-ingress
addon with `hostNetwork: true`