Dalton Hubble
Fix minor naming inconsistencies in Ignition and CLC data
2018-10-27 16:24:59 -07:00
Tamer Fahmy
Name AWS and DigitalOcean Ignition data sources consistently
2018-10-27 16:14:44 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Kubernetes from v1.12.1 to v1.12.2
* Update CoreDNS from v1.2.2 to v1.2.4
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG-1.12.md#v1122
* https://coredns.io/2018/10/17/coredns-1.2.4-release/
* https://coredns.io/2018/10/16/coredns-1.2.3-release/
2018-10-27 15:47:57 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Calico from v3.2.3 to v3.3.0
* https://docs.projectcalico.org/v3.3/releases/
2018-10-23 20:30:30 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Disable Kubelet read-only port 10255
* We can finally disable the Kubelet read-only port 10255!
* Journey: https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/issues/322#issuecomment-431073073
2018-10-18 21:14:14 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Fix CoreDNS AntiAffinity spec to prefer spreading replicas
* Pods were still being scheduled at random due to a typo
2018-10-17 22:19:57 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Kubernetes from v1.11.3 to v1.12.1
* Mount an empty dir for the controller-manager to work around
* Update coreos/pod-checkpointer to strip affinity from
checkpointed pod manifests. Kubernetes v1.12.0-rc.1 introduced
a default affinity that appears on checkpointed manifests; but
it prevented scheduling and checkpointed pods should not have an
affinity, they're run directly by the Kubelet on the local node
* https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/bootkube/issues/1001
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/68173
2018-10-16 20:28:13 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Add docker/default seccomp to control plane and addons
* Annotate pods, deployments, and daemonsets to start containers
with the Docker runtime's default seccomp profile
* Overrides Kubernetes default behavior which started containers
with seccomp=unconfined
* https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/seccomp/#pass-a-profile-for-a-container
2018-10-16 20:07:29 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Raise CoreDNS replica count to 2 or more
* Run at least two replicas of CoreDNS to better support
rolling updates (previously, kube-dns had a pod nanny)
* On multi-master clusters, set the CoreDNS replica count
to match the number of masters (e.g. a 3-master cluster
previously used replicas:1, now replicas:3)
* Add AntiAffinity preferred rule to favor distributing
CoreDNS pods across controller nodes nodes
2018-10-13 20:31:29 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Raise scheduler/controller-manager replicas in multi-master
* Continue to ensure scheduler and controller-manager run
at least two replicas to support performing kubectl edits
on single-master clusters (no change)
* For multi-master clusters, set scheduler / controller-manager
replica count to the number of masters (e.g. a 3-master cluster
previously used replicas:2, now replicas:3)
2018-10-13 16:16:29 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update etcd from v3.3.9 to v3.3.10
* https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/blob/master/CHANGELOG-3.3.md#v3310-2018-10-10
2018-10-13 13:14:37 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Require terraform-provider-digitalocean plugin ~> 1.0
* Require a terraform-provider-digitalocean plugin version of
1.0 or higher within the same major version (e.g. allow 1.1 but
not 2.0)
* Change requirement from ~> 0.1.2 (which allowed up to but not
including 1.0 release)
2018-10-02 17:09:19 +02:00
Dalton Hubble
Update CoreDNS and Calico versions
* Update CoreDNS from 1.1.3 to 1.2.2
* Update Calico from v3.2.1 to v3.2.3
2018-10-02 16:07:48 +02:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Kubernetes from v1.11.2 to v1.11.3
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG-1.11.md#v1113
2018-09-13 18:50:41 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Add new tutorial docs and links
2018-08-27 23:30:32 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Calico from v3.1.3 to v3.2.1
* Add new bird and felix readiness checks
* Read MTU from ConfigMap veth_mtu
* Add RBAC read for serviceaccounts
* Remove invalid description from CRDs
2018-08-25 17:53:11 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Kubernetes from v1.11.1 to v1.11.2
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG-1.11.md#v1112
2018-08-07 21:57:25 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update etcd from v3.3.8 to v3.3.9
* https://github.com/coreos/etcd/blob/master/CHANGELOG-3.3.md#v339-2018-07-24
2018-07-29 11:27:37 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update from bootkube v0.12.0 to v0.13.0
2018-07-29 11:20:17 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Kubernetes from v1.11.0 to v1.11.1
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG-1.11.md#v1111
2018-07-20 00:41:27 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Replace kube-dns with CoreDNS
* Add system:coredns ClusterRole and binding
* Annotate CoreDNS for Prometheus metrics scraping
* Remove kube-dns deployment, service, & service account
* https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootkube/pull/71
* https://kubernetes.io/blog/2018/06/27/kubernetes-1.11-release-announcement/
2018-07-01 22:55:01 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Kubernetes from v1.10.5 to v1.11.0
* Force apiserver to stop listening on
* Remove deprecated Kubelet `--allow-privileged`. Defaults to
true. Use `PodSecurityPolicy` if limiting is desired
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases/tag/v1.11.0
* https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootkube/pull/68
2018-06-27 22:47:35 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Fix terraform formatting
2018-06-22 00:28:36 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Kubernetes from v1.10.4 to v1.10.5
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG-1.10.md#v1105
2018-06-21 22:51:39 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Change kube-apiserver port from 443 to 6443
* Adjust firewall rules, security groups, cloud load balancers,
and generated kubeconfig's
* Facilitates some future simplifications and cost reductions
* Bare-Metal users who exposed kube-apiserver on a WAN via their
router or load balancer will need to adjust its configuration.
This is uncommon, most apiserver are on LAN and/or behind VPN
so no routing infrastructure is configured with the port number
2018-06-19 23:48:51 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update etcd from v3.3.7 to v3.3.8
* https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases/tag/v3.3.8
2018-06-19 21:56:21 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update etcd from v3.3.6 to v3.3.7
2018-06-14 22:46:16 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Kubernetes from v1.10.3 to v1.10.4
2018-06-06 23:23:11 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update etcd from v3.3.5 to v3.3.6
* https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases/tag/v3.3.6
2018-06-06 23:19:30 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Calico from v3.1.2 to v3.1.3
* https://github.com/projectcalico/calico/releases/tag/v3.1.3
* https://github.com/projectcalico/cni-plugin/releases/tag/v3.1.3
2018-05-30 21:32:12 -07:00
Ben Drucker
Render etcd_initial_cluster using a template_file
2018-05-30 21:14:49 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Kubernetes from v1.10.2 to v1.10.3
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG-1.10.md#v1103
* Update Calico from v3.1.1 to v3.1.2
2018-05-21 21:38:43 -07:00
William Zhang
Fix README link to tutorial
2018-05-19 13:10:22 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Allow bearer token authn/authz to the Kubelet
* Require Webhook authorization to the Kubelet
* Switch apiserver X509 client cert org to systems:masters
to grant the apiserver admin and satisfy the authorization
requirement. kubectl commands like logs or exec that have
the apiserver make requests of a kubelet continue to work
as before
* https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/kubelet-authentication-authorization/
* https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/issues/215
2018-05-13 23:20:42 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Require Terraform v0.11.x, drop v0.10.x support
* Raise minimum Terraform version to v0.11.0
* Terraform v0.11.x has been supported since Typhoon v1.9.2
and Terraform v0.10.x was last released in Nov 2017. I'd like
to stop worrying about v0.10.x and remove migration docs as
a later followup
* Migration docs docs/topics/maintenance.md#terraform-v011x
2018-05-10 02:20:46 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update etcd from v3.3.4 to v3.3.5
* https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases/tag/v3.3.5
2018-05-10 02:12:53 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update kube-dns from v1.14.9 to v1.14.10
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/62676
2018-04-28 00:43:09 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Kubernetes from v1.10.1 to v1.10.2
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases/tag/v1.10.2
2018-04-28 00:27:00 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update etcd from v3.3.3 to v3.3.4
* https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases/tag/v3.3.4
2018-04-27 23:57:26 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Calico from v3.0.4 to v3.1.1
* https://github.com/projectcalico/calico/releases/tag/v3.1.1
* https://github.com/projectcalico/calico/releases/tag/v3.1.0
2018-04-21 18:30:36 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Kubernetes from v1.10.0 to v1.10.1
* Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.12.0
2018-04-12 20:57:31 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Skip creating unused dirs on worker nodes
2018-04-11 22:23:51 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Use k8s.gcr.io instead of gcr.io/google_containers
* Kubernetes recommends using the alias to fetch images
from the nearest GCR regional mirror, to abstract the use
of GCR, and to drop names containing 'google'
* https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/kubernetes-dev/ytjk_rNrTa0/3EFUHvovCAAJ
2018-04-08 12:57:52 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update kube-dns from v1.14.8 to v1.14.9
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/61908
2018-04-04 21:00:23 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update etcd from v3.3.2 to v3.3.3
* https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases/tag/v3.3.3
2018-04-04 20:32:24 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Add etcd metrics, Prometheus scrapes, and Grafana dash
* Use etcd v3.3 --listen-metrics-urls to expose only metrics
data via on controllers
* Add Prometheus discovery for etcd peers on controller nodes
* Temporarily drop two noisy Prometheus alerts
2018-04-03 20:31:00 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Update Kubernetes from v1.9.6 to v1.10.0
2018-03-30 22:14:07 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Remove redundant kubeconfig copy on AWS and GCP
* AWS and Google Cloud make use of auto-scaling groups
and managed instance groups, respectively. As such, the
kubeconfig is already held in cloud user-data
* Controller instances are provisioned with a kubeconfig
from user-data. Its redundant to use a Terraform remote
file copy step for the kubeconfig.
2018-03-26 00:01:47 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Ensure etcd secrets are only distributed to controller hosts
* Previously, etcd secrets were erroneously distributed to worker
nodes (permissions 500, ownership etc:etcd).
2018-03-25 23:46:44 -07:00
Dalton Hubble
Remove optional variable networking on Digital Ocean
* Calico isn't viable on Digital Ocean because their firewalls
do not support IP-IP protocol. Its not viable to run a cluster
without firewalls just to use Calico.
* Remove the caveat note. Don't allow users to shoot themselves
in the foot
2018-03-25 21:48:51 -07:00