* Support terraform-provider-google v1.19.0, v1.19.1, v1.20.0
and v2.0+ (and allow for future 2.x.y releases)
* Require terraform-provider-google v1.19.0 or newer. v1.19.0
introduced `network_interface` fields `network_ip` and `nat_ip`
to deprecate `address` and `assigned_nat_ip`. Those deprecated
fields are removed in terraform-provider-google v2.0
* https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-google/releases/tag/v2.0.0
* Raise minimum Terraform version to v0.11.0
* Terraform v0.11.x has been supported since Typhoon v1.9.2
and Terraform v0.10.x was last released in Nov 2017. I'd like
to stop worrying about v0.10.x and remove migration docs as
a later followup
* Migration docs docs/topics/maintenance.md#terraform-v011x
* With google provider 1.2, target pool instances can use self_link
and zone/name formats without causing a diff on each plan
* Original workaround: 77fc14db719