* Require an iPXE-enabled network boot environment with support for
TLS downloads. PXE clients must chainload to iPXE firmware compiled
with `DOWNLOAD_PROTO_HTTPS` enabled ([crypto](https://ipxe.org/crypto))
* iPXE's pre-compiled firmware binaries do _not_ enable HTTPS. Admins
should build iPXE from source with support enabled
* Affects the Container Linux and Flatcar Linux install profiles that
pull from public downloads. No effect when cached_install=true
or using Fedora Atomic, as those download from Matchbox
* Add `download_protocol` variable. Recognizing boot firmware TLS
support is difficult in some environments, set the protocol to "http"
for the old behavior (discouraged)
* Show creation of a PXE-enabled network boot environment when
using dnsmasq as the DHCP server
* Recommend TFTP be served from /config/tftpboot since /config
is preserved between firmware upgrades
* Recommend compiling undionly.kpxe from source to enable
TLS features
* Add a note that equal-cost multi-path service IP routing
(e.g. for ingress) requires EdgeOS v2.0. Previously, it was known
that TLS handshakes couldn't be completed with packet balacing.
I've verified this is no longer the case when using the v2.0
EdgeOS firmware, ECMP works as expected.