* Choose the Container Linux derivative Flatcar Linux on
bare-metal by setting os_channel to flatcar-stable, flatcar-beta
or flatcar-alpha
* As with Container Linux from Red Hat, the version (os_version)
must correspond to the channel being used
* Thank you to @dongsupark from Kinvolk
* Use Kubelet bearer token authn/authz to scrape metrics
* Drop RBAC permission from nodes/proxy to nodes/metrics
* Stop proxying kubelet scrapes through the apiserver, since
this required higher privilege (nodes/proxy) and can add
load to the apiserver on large clusters
* Replace os_channel variable with os_image to align naming
across clouds. Users who set this option to stable, beta, or
alpha should now set os_image to coreos-stable, coreos-beta,
or coreos-alpha.
* Default os_image to coreos-stable. This continues to use
the most recent image from the stable channel as always.
* Allow Container Linux derivative Flatcar Linux by setting
os_image to `flatcar-stable`, `flatcar-beta`, `flatcar-alpha`
* Raise minimum Terraform version to v0.11.0
* Terraform v0.11.x has been supported since Typhoon v1.9.2
and Terraform v0.10.x was last released in Nov 2017. I'd like
to stop worrying about v0.10.x and remove migration docs as
a later followup
* Migration docs docs/topics/maintenance.md#terraform-v011x
* A data volume (emptyDir) is mounted to /var/lib/prometheus
* Users could swap emptyDir for any desired volume if data
persistence is desired. Prometheus previously defaulted to
keeping its data in ./data relative to /prometheus. Override
this behavior to store data in /var/lib/prometheus
* Add `worker_price` to allow worker spot instances. Defaults
to empty string for the worker autoscaling group to use regular
on-demand instances.
* Add `spot_price` to internal `workers` module for spot worker
* Note: Unlike GCP `preemptible` workers, spot instances require
you to pick a bid price.
* Observed frequent kube-scheduler and controller-manager
restarts with Calico as the CNI provider. Root cause was
unclear since control plane was functional and tests of
pod to pod network connectivity passed
* Root cause: Calico sets up cali* and tunl* network interfaces
for containers on hosts. NetworkManager tries to manage these
interfaces. It periodically disconnected veth pairs. Logs did
not surface this issue since its not an error per-se, just Calico
and NetworkManager dueling for control. Kubernetes correctly
restarted pods failing health checks and ensured 2 replicas were
running so the control plane functioned mostly normally. Pod to
pod connecitivity was only affected occassionally. Pain to debug.
* Solution: Configure NetworkManager to ignore the Calico ifaces
per Calico's recommendation. Cloud-init writes files after
NetworkManager starts, so a restart is required on first boot. On
subsequent boots, the file is present so no restart is needed