* Add `node_taints` variable to worker modules to set custom
initial node taints on cloud platforms that support auto-scaling
worker pools of heterogeneous nodes (i.e. AWS, Azure, GCP)
* Worker pools could use custom `node_labels` to allowed workloads
to select among differentiated nodes, while custom `node_taints`
allows a worker pool's nodes to be tainted as special to prevent
scheduling, except by workloads that explicitly tolerate the
* Expose `daemonset_tolerations` in AWS, Azure, and GCP kubernetes
cluster modules, to determine whether `kube-system` components
should tolerate the custom taint (advanced use covered in docs)
Rel: #550, #663Closes#429
* Change control plane static pods to mount `/etc/kubernetes/pki`,
instead of `/etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-secrets` to better reflect
their purpose and match some loose conventions upstream
* Place control plane and bootstrap TLS assets and kubeconfig's
in `/etc/kubernetes/pki`
* Mount to `/etc/kubernetes/pki` (rather than `/etc/kubernetes/secrets`)
to match the host location (less surprise)
Rel: https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap/pull/233
* Generate TLS client certificates for `kube-scheduler` and
`kube-controller-manager` with `system:kube-scheduler` and
`system:kube-controller-manager` CNs
* Template separate kubeconfigs for kube-scheduler and
kube-controller manager (`scheduler.conf` and
`controller-manager.conf`). Rename admin for clarity
* Before v1.16.0, Typhoon scheduled a self-hosted control
plane, which allowed the steady-state kube-scheduler and
kube-controller-manager to use a scoped ServiceAccount.
With a static pod control plane, separate CN TLS client
certificates are the nearest equiv.
* https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/best-practices/certificates/
* Remove unused Kubelet certificate, TLS bootstrap is used
* Allow terraform-provider-ct versions v0.6+ (e.g. v0.7.1)
Before, only v0.6.x point updates were allowed
* Update terraform-provider-ct to v0.7.1 in docs
* READ the docs before updating terraform-provider-ct,
as changing worker user-data is handled differently
by different cloud platforms
* Mark `kubeconfig` and `asset_dist` as `sensitive` to
prevent the Terraform CLI displaying these values, esp.
for CI systems
* In particular, external tools or tfvars style uses (not
recommended) reportedly display all outputs and are improved
by setting sensitive
* For Terraform v0.14, outputs referencing sensitive fields
must also be annotated as sensitive
Closes https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/issues/884
* Allow a snippet with a systemd dropin to set an alternate
image via `ETCD_IMAGE`, for consistency across Fedora CoreOS
and Flatcar Linux
* Drop comments about integrating system containers with
* CoreOS Container Linux was deprecated in v1.18.3
* Continue transitioning docs and modules from supporting
both CoreOS and Flatcar "variants" of Container Linux to
now supporting Flatcar Linux and equivalents
Action Required: Update the Flatcar Linux modules `source`
to replace `s/container-linux/flatcar-linux`. See docs for
* On cloud platforms, `delete-node.service` tries to delete the
local node (not always possible depending on preemption time)
* Since v1.18.3, kubelet TLS bootstrap generates a kubeconfig
in `/var/lib/kubelet` which should be used with kubectl in
the delete-node oneshot
* Originally, poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap generated
TLS certificates, manifests, and cluster "assets" written
to local disk (`asset_dir`) during terraform apply cluster
* Typhoon v1.17.0 introduced bootstrapping using only Terraform
state to store cluster assets, to avoid ever writing sensitive
materials to disk and improve automated use-cases. `asset_dir`
was changed to optional and defaulted to "" (no writes)
* Typhoon v1.18.0 deprecated the `asset_dir` variable, removed
docs, and announced it would be deleted in future.
* Add Terraform output `assets_dir` map
* Remove the `asset_dir` variable
Cluster assets are now stored in Terraform state only. For those
who wish to write those assets to local files, this is possible
doing so explicitly.
resource local_file "assets" {
for_each = module.yavin.assets_dist
filename = "some-assets/${each.key}"
content = each.value
* https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/pull/595
* https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/pull/678
* seccomp graduated to GA in Kubernetes v1.19. Support for
seccomp alpha annotations will be removed in v1.22
* Replace seccomp annotations with the GA seccompProfile
field in the PodTemplate securityContext
* Switch profile from `docker/default` to `runtime/default`
(no effective change, since docker is the runtime)
* Verify with docker inspect SecurityOpt. Without the profile,
you'd see `seccomp=unconfined`
Related: https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap/pull/215