* Template terraform-render-bootkube's multi-line kubeconfig
output using the right indentation
* Add `kubeconfig` variable to google-cloud controllers and
workers Terraform submodules
* Remove `kubeconfig_*` variables from google-cloud controllers
and workers Terraform submodules
* Allow kube-dns to respond to DNS queries with a custom
suffix, instead of the default 'cluster.local'
* Useful when multiple clusters exist on the same local
network and wish to query services on one another
* Prometheus proxies through the apiserver to scrape kubelets
* In multi-controller setups, an apiserver must be able to scrape
kubelets (10250) on other controllers
* Change controllers ASG to heterogeneous EC2 instances
* Create DNS records for each controller's private IP for etcd
* Change etcd to run on-host, across controllers (etcd-member.service)
* Reduce time to bootstrap a cluster
* Deprecate self-hosted-etcd on the AWS platform