* Use etcd v3.3 --listen-metrics-urls to expose only metrics
data via on controllers
* Add Prometheus discovery for etcd peers on controller nodes
* Temporarily drop two noisy Prometheus alerts
* Change EBS volume type from `standard` ("prior generation)
to `gp2`. Prometheus alerts are tuned for SSDs
* Other platforms have fast enough disks by default
* AWS and Google Cloud make use of auto-scaling groups
and managed instance groups, respectively. As such, the
kubeconfig is already held in cloud user-data
* Controller instances are provisioned with a kubeconfig
from user-data. Its redundant to use a Terraform remote
file copy step for the kubeconfig.
* Calico isn't viable on Digital Ocean because their firewalls
do not support IP-IP protocol. Its not viable to run a cluster
without firewalls just to use Calico.
* Remove the caveat note. Don't allow users to shoot themselves
in the foot
* Introduce the ability to support Container Linux Config
"snippets" for controllers and workers on cloud platforms.
This allows end-users to customize hosts by providing Container
Linux configs that are additively merged into the base configs
defined by Typhoon. Config snippets are validated, merged, and
show any errors during `terraform plan`
* Example uses include adding systemd units, network configs,
mounts, files, raid arrays, or other disk provisioning features
provided by Container Linux Configs (using Ignition low-level)
* Requires terraform-provider-ct v0.2.1 plugin
* Add a node-role.kubernetes.io/controller="true" node label
to controllers so Prometheus service discovery can filter to
services that only run on controllers (i.e. masters)
* Leave node-role.kubernetes.io/master="" untouched as its
a Kubernetes convention
* Annotate Prometheus service to scrape metrics from
Prometheus itself (enables Prometheus* alerts)
* Update kube-state-metrics addon-resizer to 1.7
* Use port 8080 for kube-state-metrics
* Add PrometheusNotIngestingSamples alert rule
* Change K8SKubeletDown alert rule to fire when 10%
of kubelets are down, not 1%
* https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/pull/1032
* Fix issue where worker firewall rules didn't apply to
additional workers attached to a GCP cluster using the new
"worker pools" feature (unreleased, #148). Solves host
connection timeouts and pods not being scheduled to attached
worker pools.
* Add `name` field to GCP internal worker module to represent
the unique name of of the worker pool
* Use `cluster_name` field of GCP internal worker module for
passing the name of the cluster to which workers should be