Typhoon AWS and Google Cloud allow additional groups of workers to be defined and joined to a cluster. For example, add worker pools of instances with different types, disk sizes, Container Linux channels, or preemptibility modes.
Verify an auto-scaling group of workers join the cluster within a few minutes.
### Variables
The AWS internal `workers` module supports a number of [variables](https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/blob/master/aws/container-linux/kubernetes/workers/variables.tf).
#### Required
| Name | Description | Example |
| vpc_id | Must be set to `vpc_id` output by cluster | "${module.cluster.vpc_id}" |
| subnet_ids | Must be set to `subnet_ids` output by cluster | "${module.cluster.subnet_ids}" |
| security_groups | Must be set to `worker_security_groups` output by cluster | "${module.cluster.worker_security_groups}" |
| cluster_name | Unique name | "tempest-worker-pool" |
| kubeconfig | Must be set to `kubeconfig` output by cluster | "${module.cluster.kubeconfig}" |
| ssh_authorized_key | SSH public key for ~/.ssh_authorized_keys | "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NZ..." |
Create a cluster following the Google Cloud [tutorial](../google-cloud.md#cluster). Define a worker pool using the Google Cloud internal `workers` module.
The Google Cloud internal `workers` module supports a number of [variables](https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/blob/master/google-cloud/container-linux/kubernetes/workers/variables.tf).