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# Static IPv4 address for the TCP Proxy Load Balancer
resource "google_compute_global_address" "ingress-ipv4" {
name = "${var.cluster_name}-ingress-ip"
ip_version = "IPV4"
# Forward IPv4 TCP traffic to the HTTP proxy load balancer
# Google Cloud does not allow TCP proxies for port 80. Must use HTTP proxy.
resource "google_compute_global_forwarding_rule" "ingress-http" {
name = "${var.cluster_name}-ingress-http"
ip_address = "${google_compute_global_address.ingress-ipv4.address}"
ip_protocol = "TCP"
port_range = "80"
target = "${google_compute_target_http_proxy.ingress-http.self_link}"
# Forward IPv4 TCP traffic to the TCP proxy load balancer
resource "google_compute_global_forwarding_rule" "ingress-https" {
name = "${var.cluster_name}-ingress-https"
ip_address = "${google_compute_global_address.ingress-ipv4.address}"
ip_protocol = "TCP"
port_range = "443"
target = "${google_compute_target_tcp_proxy.ingress-https.self_link}"
# HTTP proxy load balancer for ingress controllers
resource "google_compute_target_http_proxy" "ingress-http" {
2018-08-21 21:59:55 -07:00
name = "${var.cluster_name}-ingress-http"
description = "Distribute HTTP load across ${var.cluster_name} workers"
2018-08-21 21:59:55 -07:00
url_map = "${google_compute_url_map.ingress-http.self_link}"
# TCP proxy load balancer for ingress controllers
resource "google_compute_target_tcp_proxy" "ingress-https" {
2018-08-21 21:59:55 -07:00
name = "${var.cluster_name}-ingress-https"
description = "Distribute HTTPS load across ${var.cluster_name} workers"
backend_service = "${google_compute_backend_service.ingress-https.self_link}"
# HTTP URL Map (required)
resource "google_compute_url_map" "ingress-http" {
name = "${var.cluster_name}-ingress-http"
2018-08-21 21:59:55 -07:00
# Do not add host/path rules for applications here. Use Ingress resources.
default_service = "${google_compute_backend_service.ingress-http.self_link}"
# Backend service backed by managed instance group of workers
resource "google_compute_backend_service" "ingress-http" {
name = "${var.cluster_name}-ingress-http"
description = "${var.cluster_name} ingress service"
protocol = "HTTP"
port_name = "http"
session_affinity = "NONE"
timeout_sec = "60"
backend {
group = "${module.workers.instance_group}"
health_checks = ["${google_compute_health_check.ingress.self_link}"]
# Backend service backed by managed instance group of workers
resource "google_compute_backend_service" "ingress-https" {
name = "${var.cluster_name}-ingress-https"
description = "${var.cluster_name} ingress service"
protocol = "TCP"
port_name = "https"
session_affinity = "NONE"
timeout_sec = "60"
backend {
group = "${module.workers.instance_group}"
health_checks = ["${google_compute_health_check.ingress.self_link}"]
# Ingress HTTP Health Check
resource "google_compute_health_check" "ingress" {
name = "${var.cluster_name}-ingress-health"
description = "Health check for Ingress controller"
timeout_sec = 5
check_interval_sec = 5
healthy_threshold = 2
unhealthy_threshold = 4
http_health_check {
2018-08-21 21:59:55 -07:00
port = 10254
request_path = "/healthz"