We'll declare a Kubernetes cluster using the Typhoon Terraform module. Then apply the changes to create a VPC, gateway, subnets, security groups, controller instances, worker auto-scaling group, network load balancers, and TLS assets. Instances are provisioned on first boot with cloud-init.
Controllers are provisioned to run an `etcd` peer and a `kubelet` service. Workers run just a `kubelet` service. A one-time [bootkube](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/bootkube) bootstrap schedules the `apiserver`, `scheduler`, `controller-manager`, and `kube-dns` on controllers and schedules `kube-proxy` and `calico` (or `flannel`) on every node. A generated `kubeconfig` provides `kubectl` access to the cluster.
Read [concepts](../architecture/concepts.md) to learn about Terraform, modules, and organizing resources. Change to your infrastructure repository (e.g. `infra`).
Login to your AWS IAM dashboard and find your IAM user. Select "Security Credentials" and create an access key. Save the id and secret to a file that can be referenced in configs.
aws_access_key_id = xxx
aws_secret_access_key = yyy
Configure the AWS provider to use your access key credentials in a `providers.tf` file.
Reference the [variables docs](#variables) or the [variables.tf](https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/blob/master/aws/fedora-atomic/kubernetes/variables.tf) source.
Initial bootstrapping requires `bootkube.service` be started on one controller node. Terraform uses `ssh-agent` to automate this step. Add your SSH private key to `ssh-agent`.
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-add -L
## Apply
Initialize the config directory if this is the first use with Terraform.
[Install kubectl](https://coreos.com/kubernetes/docs/latest/configure-kubectl.html) on your system. Use the generated `kubeconfig` credentials to access the Kubernetes cluster and list nodes.
Clusters create a DNS A record `${cluster_name}.${dns_zone}` to resolve a network load balancer backed by controller instances. This FQDN is used by workers and `kubectl` to access the apiserver(s). In this example, the cluster's apiserver would be accessible at `tempest.aws.example.com`.
If you have an existing domain name with a zone file elsewhere, just delegate a subdomain that can be managed on Route53 (e.g. aws.mydomain.com) and [update nameservers](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/SOA-NSrecords.html).
If your EC2 instance type supports [Jumbo frames](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/network_mtu.html#jumbo_frame_instances) (most do), we recommend you change the `network_mtu` to 8981! You will get better pod-to-pod bandwidth.