We'll declare a Kubernetes cluster using the Typhoon Terraform module. Then apply the changes to create controller droplets, worker droplets, DNS records, tags, and TLS assets.
Controller hosts are provisioned to run an `etcd-member` peer and a `kubelet` service. Worker hosts run a `kubelet` service. Controller nodes run `kube-apiserver`, `kube-scheduler`, `kube-controller-manager`, and `coredns`, while `kube-proxy` and (`flannel`, `calico`, or `cilium`) run on every node. A generated `kubeconfig` provides `kubectl` access to the cluster.
Read [concepts](/architecture/concepts/) to learn about Terraform, modules, and organizing resources. Change to your infrastructure repository (e.g. `infra`).
Login to [DigitalOcean](https://cloud.digitalocean.com). Or if you don't have one, create an account with our [referral link](https://m.do.co/c/94a5a4e76387) to get free credits.
Generate a Personal Access Token with read/write scope from the [API tab](https://cloud.digitalocean.com/settings/api/tokens). Write the token to a file that can be referenced in configs.
mkdir -p ~/.config/digital-ocean
echo "TOKEN" > ~/.config/digital-ocean/token
Configure the DigitalOcean provider to use your token in a `providers.tf` file.
Fedora CoreOS publishes images for DigitalOcean, but does not yet upload them. DigitalOcean allows [custom images](https://blog.digitalocean.com/custom-images/) to be uploaded via URL or file.
Reference the [variables docs](#variables) or the [variables.tf](https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/blob/master/digital-ocean/fedora-coreos/kubernetes/variables.tf) source.
## ssh-agent
Initial bootstrapping requires `bootstrap.service` be started on one controller node. Terraform uses `ssh-agent` to automate this step. Add your SSH private key to `ssh-agent`.
In 3-6 minutes, the Kubernetes cluster will be ready.
## Verify
[Install kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/) on your system. Obtain the generated cluster `kubeconfig` from module outputs (e.g. write to a local file).
| ssh_fingerprints | SSH public key fingerprints | ["d7:9d..."] |
#### DNS Zone
Clusters create DNS A records `${cluster_name}.${dns_zone}` to resolve to controller droplets (round robin). This FQDN is used by workers and `kubectl` to access the apiserver(s). In this example, the cluster's apiserver would be accessible at `nemo.do.example.com`.
You'll need a registered domain name or delegated subdomain in DigitalOcean Domains (i.e. DNS zones). You can set this up once and create many clusters with unique names.
# Declare a DigitalOcean record to also create a zone file
If you have an existing domain name with a zone file elsewhere, just delegate a subdomain that can be managed on DigitalOcean (e.g. do.mydomain.com) and [update nameservers](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-a-host-name-with-digitalocean).
DigitalOcean droplets are created with your SSH public key "fingerprint" (i.e. MD5 hash) to allow access. If your SSH public key is at `~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub`, find the fingerprint with,
Digital Ocean requires the SSH public key be uploaded to your account, so you may also find the fingerprint under Settings -> Security. Finally, if you don't have an SSH key, [create one now](https://help.github.com/articles/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent/).
### Optional
| Name | Description | Default | Example |
| controller_count | Number of controllers (i.e. masters) | 1 | 1 |
| worker_count | Number of workers | 1 | 3 |
| controller_type | Droplet type for controllers | "s-2vcpu-2gb" | s-2vcpu-2gb, s-2vcpu-4gb, s-4vcpu-8gb, ... |
| worker_type | Droplet type for workers | "s-1vcpu-2gb" | s-1vcpu-2gb, s-2vcpu-2gb, ... |
| pod_cidr | CIDR IPv4 range to assign to Kubernetes pods | "" | "" |
| service_cidr | CIDR IPv4 range to assign to Kubernetes services | "" | "" |
Check the list of valid [droplet types](https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/changelog/api-v2/new-size-slugs-for-droplet-plan-changes/) or use `doctl compute size list`.
!!! warning
Do not choose a `controller_type` smaller than 2GB. Smaller droplets are not sufficient for running a controller and bootstrapping will fail.