#!/bin/sh set -e set -o nounset # 4 tables to empty, at least # oidc, code, flow, authentication_session # \d hydra_oauth2_flow #Referenced by: # TABLE "hydra_oauth2_access" CONSTRAINT "hydra_oauth2_access_challenge_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (challenge_id) REFERENCES hydra_oauth2_flow(consent_challenge_id) ON DELETE CASCADE # TABLE "hydra_oauth2_code" CONSTRAINT "hydra_oauth2_code_challenge_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (challenge_id) REFERENCES hydra_oauth2_flow(consent_challenge_id) ON DELETE CASCADE # TABLE "hydra_oauth2_oidc" CONSTRAINT "hydra_oauth2_oidc_challenge_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (challenge_id) REFERENCES hydra_oauth2_flow(consent_challenge_id) ON DELETE CASCADE # TABLE "hydra_oauth2_pkce" CONSTRAINT "hydra_oauth2_pkce_challenge_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (challenge_id) REFERENCES hydra_oauth2_flow(consent_challenge_id) ON DELETE CASCADE # TABLE "hydra_oauth2_refresh" CONSTRAINT "hydra_oauth2_refresh_challenge_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (challenge_id) REFERENCES hydra_oauth2_flow(consent_challenge_id) ON DELETE CASCADE # -> delete "cascade" on table "flow" cleans access, code, oidc, pkce and refresh tables. DSN="${DSN:-postgresql://${HYDRA_DATABASE_USER}:${HYDRA_DATABASE_PASSWORD}@${HYDRA_DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}:${HYDRA_DATABASE_SERVICE_PORT:-5432}/hydra?sslmode=disable}" RETENTION_HOURS="${RETENTION_HOURS:-48}" BATCH_SIZE="${BATCH_SIZE:-50}" LIMIT="${LIMIT:-1000}" BEFORE_DATE="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' --date=@$(($(date +%s) - RETENTION_HOURS * 3600)))" log() { echo "$(date +'%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S%z')| $1" } perror() { log "Something went wrong, exiting." trap - EXIT exit 1 } trap perror EXIT if ! [[ ${RETENTION_HOURS} =~ '^[0-9]+$' ]]; then log "Error: variable RETENTION_HOURS is not a positive integer." perror fi if ! [[ ${LIMIT} =~ '^[0-9]+$' ]]; then log "Error: variable LIMIT is not a positive integer." perror fi if ! [[ ${BATCH_SIZE} =~ '^[0-9]+$' ]]; then log "Error: variable BATCH_SIZE is not a positive integer." perror fi log "Starting hydra cleaner" log "Removing up to ${LIMIT} elements before ${BEFORE_DATE} by batch of ${BATCH_SIZE}" log "Beginning estimated size:" psql "${DSN}" <