98 lines
2.9 KiB
98 lines
2.9 KiB
node_listen: ${{APISIX_NODE_LISTEN}} # APISIX listening port
enable_heartbeat: true
enable_admin: true
enable_admin_cors: true
enable_debug: false
enable_dev_mode: false # when set to true, sets Nginx worker_processes to 1
enable_reuseport: true # when set to true, enables nginx SO_REUSEPORT switch
enable_ipv6: true
config_center: etcd # use etcd to store configuration
allow_admin: # see: http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_access_module.html#allow
port_admin: ${{APISIX_PORT_ADMIN}}
# default token used when calling the Admin API
# it is recommended to modify this value in production
# when disabled, Admin API won't require any authentication
# admin: full access to configuration data
- name: "admin"
key: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1
role: admin
# viewer: can only view the configuration data
- name: "viewer"
key: 4054f7cf07e344346cd3f287985e76a2
role: viewer
# dns_resolver:
# -
dns_resolver_valid: 30
resolver_timeout: 5
nginx_config: # template configuration to generate nginx.conf
error_log: "/dev/stderr"
error_log_level: "warn" # warn, error
worker_rlimit_nofile: 20480 # number of files a worker process can open. Should be larger than worker_connections
worker_connections: 10620
access_log: "/dev/stdout"
keepalive_timeout: 60s # timeout for which a keep-alive client connection will stay open on the server side
client_header_timeout: 60s # timeout for reading client request header, then 408 (Request Time-out) error is returned to the client
client_body_timeout: 60s # timeout for reading client request body, then 408 (Request Time-out) error is returned to the client
send_timeout: 10s # timeout for transmitting a response to the client, then the connection is closed
underscores_in_headers: "on" # enables the use of underscores in client request header fields
real_ip_header: "X-Real-IP" # see: http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_realip_module.html#real_ip_header
real_ip_from: # see: http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_realip_module.html#set_real_ip_from
- 'unix:'
prefix: "/apisix" # APISIX configurations prefix
timeout: 30 # in seconds
plugins: # list of APISIX Plugins
- api-breaker
- authz-keycloak
- basic-auth
- batch-requests
- consumer-restriction
- cors
- echo
- fault-injection
- grpc-transcode
- hmac-auth
- http-logger
- ip-restriction
- jwt-auth
- kafka-logger
- key-auth
- limit-conn
- limit-count
- limit-req
- node-status
- openid-connect
- prometheus
- proxy-cache
- proxy-mirror
- proxy-rewrite
- redirect
- referer-restriction
- request-id
- request-validation
- response-rewrite
- serverless-post-function
- serverless-pre-function
- sls-logger
- syslog
- tcp-logger
- udp-logger
- uri-blocker
- wolf-rbac
- zipkin
- traffic-split
- mqtt-proxy