appKernel = $appKernel; $this->tool = $tool; } public function search(Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em) { $alpha = $request->get('alpha'); $query = $request->get('query'); $catparents = ($request->get('catparents') ? explode(',', $request->get('catparents')) : null); $childtypes = ($request->get('childtypes') ? $request->get('childtypes') : '1'); $tags = ($request->get('tags') ? $request->get('tags') : null); $first = ($request->get('first') ? $request->get('first') : 1); $maxresult = 50; $nopagination = in_array(30, explode(',', $childtypes)); // $nopagination = true; if (!$catparents) { $catparents = ['map']; } if (!$alpha) { $alpha = 'a'; } $childmaps = []; $childblogs = []; $childpages = []; foreach ($catparents as $catparent) { switch ($catparent) { case 'blog': $q = $em->createQueryBuilder(); $q->select('child'); $q->from("App\Entity\Blog", 'parent'); $q->from("App\Entity\Childblog", 'relation'); $q->from('App:Child', 'child'); $q->from("App\Entity\Childtype", 'childtype'); $q->andwhere(''); $q->andwhere('relation.child=child'); $q->andwhere('child.childtype=childtype'); // Si childtype = photoaerienn = filtre alpha if (!$query && in_array(30, explode(',', $childtypes))) { $q->andWhere(' LIKE :alpha OR LIKE :alphaupper'); $q->setParameter('alpha', $alpha.'%'); $q->setParameter('alphaupper', strtoupper($alpha).'%'); } // Si filtre par childtype if ($childtypes) { $q->andWhere(' IN(:childtypes)'); $q->setParameter('childtypes', explode(',', $childtypes)); } // Si filtre par query if ($query) { $q->andWhere('LOWER( LIKE :query OR LOWER(child.subname) LIKE :query'); $q->setParameter('query', strtolower('%'.$query.'%')); } // Si filtre par tags if ($tags) { $q->from('App:Tag', 'tag'); $q->andWhere(' IN(:tags)'); $q->andWhere('tag MEMBER OF child.tags'); $q->setParameter('tags', explode(',', $tags)); } $c = $q; $c->select('count('); $count = $c->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult(); $q->select('child'); $q->addOrderBy('', 'ASC'); $q->addOrderBy('relation.roworder', 'ASC'); if (!$nopagination) { $q->setMaxResults($maxresult); $q->setFirstResult(0 + (($first - 1) * $maxresult)); } $childblogs = $q->getQuery()->getResult(); foreach ($childblogs as $relation) { $relation->setCatparent('blog'); $relation->setIdparent($relation->getChildblogs()[0]->getBlog()->getId()); $relation->setNameparent($relation->getChildblogs()[0]->getBlog()->getName()); } break; case 'page': $q = $em->createQueryBuilder(); $q->select('child'); $q->from("App\Entity\Page", 'parent'); $q->from("App\Entity\Childpage", 'relation'); $q->from('App:Child', 'child'); $q->from("App\Entity\Childtype", 'childtype'); $q->andwhere(''); $q->andwhere('relation.child=child'); $q->andwhere('child.childtype=childtype'); // Si childtype = photoaerienn = filtre alpha if (!$query && in_array(30, explode(',', $childtypes))) { $q->andWhere(' LIKE :alpha OR LIKE :alphaupper'); $q->setParameter('alpha', $alpha.'%'); $q->setParameter('alphaupper', strtoupper($alpha).'%'); } // Si filtre par childtype if ($childtypes) { $q->andWhere(' IN(:childtypes)'); $q->setParameter('childtypes', explode(',', $childtypes)); } // Si filtre par query if ($query) { $q->andWhere('LOWER( LIKE :query OR LOWER(child.subname) LIKE :query'); $q->setParameter('query', strtolower('%'.$query.'%')); } // Si filtre par tags if ($tags) { $q->from('App:Tag', 'tag'); $q->andWhere(' IN(:tags)'); $q->andWhere('tag MEMBER OF child.tags'); $q->setParameter('tags', explode(',', $tags)); } $c = $q; $c->select('count('); $count = $c->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult(); $q->select('child'); $q->addOrderBy('', 'ASC'); $q->addOrderBy('relation.roworder', 'ASC'); if (!$nopagination) { $q->setMaxResults($maxresult); $q->setFirstResult(0 + (($first - 1) * $maxresult)); } $childpages = $q->getQuery()->getResult(); foreach ($childpages as $relation) { $relation->setCatparent('page'); $relation->setIdparent($relation->getChildpages()[0]->getPage()->getId()); $relation->setNameparent($relation->getChildpages()[0]->getPage()->getName()); } break; } } $childs = array_merge($childmaps, $childblogs, $childpages); return $this->render($this->render.'search.html.twig', [ 'childs' => $childs, 'catparents' => $catparents, 'lsttags' => $em->getRepository('App:Tag')->findAll(), 'lsttypes' => $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Childtype")->findAll(), 'tags' => explode(',', $tags), 'query' => $query, 'childtypes' => $childtypes, 'isalpha' => (!$query && in_array(30, explode(',', $childtypes))), 'useheader' => true, 'usesidebar' => false, 'maxwidth' => true, 'nopagination' => $nopagination, 'count' => $count, 'first' => $first, 'maxresult' => $maxresult, ]); } public function list($catparent, $idparent, ManagerRegistry $em) { // En fonction du parent switch ($catparent) { case 'blog': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Blog")->find($idparent); if (!$parent) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } // Récupérer les childtypes $childtypes = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Childtype")->findBy([], ['roworder' => 'ASC']); // Récupérer les childs $datas = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->findBy(["blog"=>$parent]); break; case 'page': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Page")->find($idparent); if (!$parent) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } // Récupérer les childtypes $childtypes = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Childtype")->findBy([], ['roworder' => 'ASC']); // Récupérer les childs $datas = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->findBy(["page"=>$parent]); break; } return $this->render($this->render.'list.html.twig', [ 'catparent' => $catparent, 'parent' => $parent, 'childtypes' => $childtypes, $this->data.'s' => $datas, 'useheader' => true, 'usesidebar' => true, ]); } public function submit($catparent, $idparent, $idchildtype, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em) { // Récupérer le parent switch ($catparent) { case 'blog': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Blog")->find($idparent); if (!$parent) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } break; case 'page': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Page")->find($idparent); if (!$parent) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } break; } // Récupérer du childtype $childtype = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Childtype")->find($idchildtype); if (!$childtype) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } // Redirige vers la submitroute if ('app_child_submit' != $childtype->getSubmitroute()) { return $this->redirectToRoute($childtype->getSubmitroute(), ['catparent' => $catparent, 'idparent' => $parent->getId(), 'idchildtype' => $idchildtype]); } // Récupérer le roworder switch ($catparent) { case 'blog': $last = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Child")->findOneBy(['blog' => $parent], ['roworder' => 'DESC']); $lastorder = ($last ? $last->getRoworder() + 1 : 1); // Initialisation de l'enregistrement $data = new Entity(); $data->setChildtype($childtype); $data->setBlog($parent); $data->setRoworder($lastorder); if (1 == $childtype->getId()) { $data->setName($parent->getName()); } break; case 'page': $last = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Child")->findOneBy(['page' => $parent], ['roworder' => 'DESC']); $lastorder = ($last ? $last->getRoworder() + 1 : 1); // Initialisation de l'enregistrement $data = new Entity(); $data->setChildtype($childtype); $data->setPage($parent); $data->setRoworder($lastorder); if (1 == $childtype->getId()) { $data->setName($parent->getName()); } break; } // Création du formulaire $form = $this->createForm(Form::class, $data, ['mode' => 'submit', 'childtype' => $childtype]); // Récupération des data du formulaire $form->handleRequest($request); // Sur erreur $this->getErrorForm(null, $form, $request, $data, 'submit'); // Sur validation if ($form->get('submit')->isClicked() && $form->isValid()) { $data = $form->getData(); $data->setUrl($this->formatEmbed($data->getUrl())); $em->getManager()->persist($data); $em->getManager()->flush(); // Retour à la liste return $this->redirectToRoute($this->route, ['catparent' => $catparent, 'idparent' => $parent->getId()]); } // Affichage du formulaire return $this->render($this->render.'edit.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => true, 'usesidebar' => true, 'catparent' => $catparent, 'parent' => $parent, 'childtype' => $childtype, $this->data => $data, 'mode' => 'submit', 'form' => $form->createView(), ]); } public function submitimage($catparent, $idparent, $idchildtype, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em) { // Récupérer le parent switch ($catparent) { case 'blog': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Blog")->find($idparent); if (!$parent) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } break; case 'page': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Page")->find($idparent); if (!$parent) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } break; } // Récupérer du childtype $childtype = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Childtype")->find($idchildtype); if (!$childtype) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } // Rendu return $this->render($this->render.'upload.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => true, 'usesidebar' => true, 'type' => 'child', 'catparent' => $catparent, 'idparent' => $idparent, 'idchildtype' => $childtype->getId(), 'typeupload' => 'image', ]); } public function submitvideo($catparent, $idparent, $idchildtype, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em) { // Récupérer le parent switch ($catparent) { case 'blog': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Blog")->find($idparent); if (!$parent) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } break; case 'page': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Page")->find($idparent); if (!$parent) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } break; } // Récupérer du childtype $childtype = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Childtype")->find($idchildtype); if (!$childtype) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } // Rendu return $this->render($this->render.'upload.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => true, 'usesidebar' => true, 'type' => 'child', 'catparent' => $catparent, 'idparent' => $idparent, 'idchildtype' => $childtype->getId(), 'typeupload' => 'video', ]); } public function submitfile($catparent, $idparent, $idchildtype, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em) { // Récupérer le parent switch ($catparent) { case 'blog': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Blog")->find($idparent); if (!$parent) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } break; case 'page': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Page")->find($idparent); if (!$parent) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } break; } // Récupérer du childtype $childtype = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Childtype")->find($idchildtype); if (!$childtype) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } // Rendu return $this->render($this->render.'upload.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => true, 'usesidebar' => true, 'type' => 'child', 'catparent' => $catparent, 'idparent' => $idparent, 'idchildtype' => $childtype->getId(), 'typeupload' => 'all', ]); } public function update($catparent, $idparent, $idchild, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em) { // Récupérer le parent switch ($catparent) { case 'blog': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Blog")->find($idparent); if (!$parent) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } break; case 'page': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Page")->find($idparent); if (!$parent) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } break; } $data = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->find($idchild); $data->setUrl($this->formatEmbed($data->getUrl())); // Création du formulaire $form = $this->createForm(Form::class, $data, ['mode' => 'update', 'childtype' => $data->getChildtype()]); // Récupération des data du formulaire $form->handleRequest($request); // Sur erreur $this->getErrorForm(null, $form, $request, $data, 'update'); // Sur validation if ($form->get('submit')->isClicked() && $form->isValid()) { $data = $form->getData(); $em->getManager()->flush(); // Retour à la liste return $this->redirectToRoute($this->route, ['catparent' => $catparent, 'idparent' => $idparent]); } // Affichage du formulaire return $this->render($this->render.'edit.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => true, 'usesidebar' => true, 'catparent' => $catparent, 'parent' => $parent, 'childtype' => $data->getChildtype(), $this->data => $data, 'mode' => 'update', 'form' => $form->createView(), ]); } public function delete($catparent, $idparent, $idchild, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em) { $child = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->find($idchild); // Récupérer le parent et la relation switch ($catparent) { case 'blog': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Blog")->find($idparent); break; case 'page': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Page")->find($idparent); break; } // Controle avant suppression $error = false; if (!$parent || !$child ) { $error = true; } if ($error) { return $this->redirectToRoute($this->route.'_update', ['catparent' => $catparent, 'idparent' => $idparent, 'idchild' => $idchild]); } else { $em->getManager()->remove($child); $em->getManager()->flush(); // Retour à la liste return $this->redirectToRoute($this->route, ['catparent' => $catparent, 'idparent' => $idparent]); } } public function upload($catparent, $idparent, $idchild, $type, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em) { // Récupérer la map $data = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->find($idchild); if (!$data) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } // Rendu return $this->render($this->render.'upload.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => true, 'usesidebar' => true, 'type' => 'child', 'catparent' => $catparent, 'idparent' => $idparent, 'idchild' => $idchild, 'idchildtype' => $data->getChildtype()->getId(), 'typeupload' => $type, ]); } public function order($catparent, $idparent, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em) { // Récupérer le parent switch ($catparent) { case 'blog': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Blog")->find($idparent); break; case 'page': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Page")->find($idparent); break; } if ($parent) { $childids = explode(',', $request->request->get('lstordered')); $i = 1; foreach ($childids as $id) { $child = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->find($id); $child->setRoworder($i); if ($child) { $child->setRoworder($i); $em->getManager()->flush(); } ++$i; } } return new JsonResponse([]); } public function select(Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em) { // S'assurer que c'est un appel ajax if (!$request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { return new JsonResponse(['message' => 'Interdit'], 400); } $output = []; $page_limit = $request->query->get('page_limit'); $q = $request->query->get('q'); $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('table')->from($this->entity, 'table') ->where(' LIKE :value') ->setParameter('value', '%'.$q.'%') ->orderBy(''); $datas = $qb->setFirstResult(0)->setMaxResults($page_limit)->getQuery()->getResult(); foreach ($datas as $data) { array_push($output, ['id' => $data->getId(), 'text' => $data->getName()]); } $ret_string['results'] = $output; return new JsonResponse($ret_string); } public function view($catparent, $idparent, $idchild, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em) { $framed = boolval($request->get('framed')); $size = intval($request->get('size')); // Récupérer le parent switch ($catparent) { case 'blog': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Blog")->find($idparent); break; case 'page': $parent = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Page")->find($idparent); break; } if (!$parent) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } // Récupérer le type de parent switch ($catparent) { case 'blog': $typeparent = $parent->getBlogtype()->getName(); break; case 'page': $typeparent = $parent->getPagetype()->getName(); break; } // Récupérer le child $child = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Child")->find($idchild); $firstchild = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Child")->findFirstchild($catparent, $idparent); if (!$child) { $child = $firstchild; } if (!$child) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Not exist'); } switch ($child->getChildtype()->getId()) { // Image / Image embed case 12: case 13: $imageprev = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->findPrev($catparent, $idparent, [12, 13], $relation->getRoworder()); $imagenext = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->findNext($catparent, $idparent, [12, 13], $relation->getRoworder()); return $this->render($this->render.'image.html.twig', [ 'catparent' => $catparent, 'parent' => $parent, 'typeparent' => $typeparent, 'firstchild' => $firstchild, $this->data => $child, 'useheader' => false, 'usesidebar' => false, 'maxwidth' => true, 'imageprev' => $imageprev, 'imagenext' => $imagenext, ]); break; // Video / Video embed case 14: case 15: return $this->render($this->render.'video.html.twig', [ 'catparent' => $catparent, 'parent' => $parent, 'typeparent' => $typeparent, 'firstchild' => $firstchild, $this->data => $child, 'useheader' => (!$framed), 'usesidebar' => false, 'maxwidth' => true, 'framed' => $framed, 'size' => $size, ]); break; // Ressource / Ressource embed / Lien externe / Biblio case 16: case 17: case 21: case 22: return $this->render($this->render.'file.html.twig', [ 'catparent' => $catparent, 'parent' => $parent, 'typeparent' => $typeparent, 'firstchild' => $firstchild, $this->data => $child, 'useheader' => (!$framed), 'usesidebar' => false, 'maxwidth' => true, 'framed' => $framed, 'size' => $size, ]); break; // Lien externe / Bibliographie case 21: case 12: $size = 2; // no break default: $images = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->findOtherchilds($catparent, $idparent, [12, 13], $idchild); $videos = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->findOtherchilds($catparent, $idparent, [14, 15], $idchild); $contacts = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->findOtherchilds($catparent, $idparent, [20], $idchild); $ressources = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->findOtherchilds($catparent, $idparent, [16, 17], $idchild); $links = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->findOtherchilds($catparent, $idparent, [21], $idchild); $bibliographys = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->findOtherchilds($catparent, $idparent, [22], $idchild); return $this->render($this->render.'view.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => false, 'usemenu' => true, 'maxsize' => ($catparent=="page" ? 900 : 1200), 'catparent' => $catparent, 'parent' => $parent, 'typeparent' => $typeparent, 'firstchild' => $firstchild, $this->data => $child, 'usesidebar' => false, 'maxwidth' => true, 'framed' => $framed, 'size' => $size, 'pages' => $em->getRepository($this->entity)->findPages($catparent, $idparent), 'images' => $images, 'videos' => $videos, 'contacts' => $contacts, 'ressources' => $ressources, 'links' => $links, 'bibliographys' => $bibliographys, ]); break; } } public function restjson($catparent, $idparent, $idchild, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em) { // S'assurer que l'on doit ou non configurer le proxy $url = 'https://'.$this->getParameter('appWeburl').'/'.$this->getParameter('appAlias'); $clientguzzle = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['timeout' => 3, 'verify' => false]); $token = $this->getParameter('appSecret'); try { $response = $clientguzzle->request('GET', $url); } catch (RequestException $e) { if ($e->hasResponse()) { return 0; } } // Entete $headers = [ 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', ]; if ($token) { $headers['Authorization'] = 'token '.$token; } // Paramétrage unirest \Unirest\Request::verifyPeer(false); \Unirest\Request::verifyHost(false); \Unirest\Request::timeout(5); $query = ['key' => $token, 'parentcat' => $catparent, 'parentid' => $idparent, 'childid' => $idchild, 'refreshcache' => true]; $query = json_encode($query); try { $response = \Unirest\Request::post($url.'/rest/getChild', $headers, $query); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } return new JsonResponse([]); } protected function formatEmbed($url) { // Formatage youtube if (false === stripos($url, '') && false !== stripos($url, 'youtube')) { $url = str_replace('', '', $url); $url = str_replace('', '', $url); $tmp = explode('&', $url); $url = ''.$tmp[0]; } if (false === stripos($url, '') && false !== stripos($url, '')) { $url = str_replace('', '', $url); $url = str_replace('', '', $url); } // Formatage Dalymotion if (false === stripos($url, '') && false !== stripos($url, 'dailymotion')) { $url = str_replace('', '', $url); $url = str_replace('', '', $url); $tmp = explode('?', $url); $url = ''.$tmp[0]; } // Formatage Peertube if (false !== stripos($url, '/watch/')) { $url = str_replace('/watch/', '/embed/', $url); } return $url; } protected function getErrorForm($id, $form, $request, $data, $mode) { if ($form->get('submit')->isClicked() && 'delete' == $mode) { } if ($form->get('submit')->isClicked() && 'submit' == $mode) { } if ($form->get('submit')->isClicked() && !$form->isValid()) { $this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->clear(); $errors = $form->getErrors(); foreach ($errors as $error) { $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('error', $error->getMessage()); } } } }